Wednesday, December 21, 2005

FBI,ATF,NSA,CIA Oversight?

Today I heard someone on television confused about who keeps; the Police, FBI, ATF, NSA, CIA, in check. Simply stated, Who is to weigh as much on the other side of the political security scale?

The U.S. military should be the counter weight to all the government agencies like the; FBI, ATF, NSA, CIA. A system of checks and balances should be enacted to be performed by the military over various governmental security agencies. The current lack of a system of checks and balances undermines the public safety.

It's quite apparent that governmental agencies are trying to dominate U.S. homeland security, while the domestic military is being pushed into an inferior role of shipping and receiving goods.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Dear Enemy Liberals,

New Laws Should Only Be Made To Protect Our Economy And CitizensIt is amazing that politicians think they make political progress by imposing new domestic laws, when they are actually reducing liberty for citizens. Liberal politicians are the law producers and the ones that hand out cash for social programs. Is it true these Liberal American politicians are giving Israel over a million dollars per day?

I think a status quo of laws imposed on citizens should remain. The only major new laws should be issued against foreigners in the U.S. They should include many restrictions and countermeasure surveillances. The worst crime affecting the U.S. is copy writing violations by foreign countries like China.

New laws should only be passed to protect our economy and citizens from the tyranny of rest of the world! We need to preserve our liberty. Prosperity will only continue if we give the liberty back to the citizens.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Domestic Spying

Today the media has believed it unsurfaced some terrific information about domestic spying. In reality, there has governmental domestic spying since the days of the Roman Empire. Seems like the octopus is getting either nervous or scared.

The government constantly spies on citizens through; finance(IRS), police, pollution(EPA)to say just three.

It is perfectly natural for the government to have domestic spying at all levels. Yet now we have the liberal media downplaying President Bush that he engaged in domestic spying. Whether its through top secret spying, or a public school teacher trying to spot cheaters, there will always be domestic spying by the government on citizens.

Not much has changed, except the liberal media trying to defame President Bush. Whatelse is new though? The liberal media has been causing problems for Presidents for decades to the point where most media members are a step away from being traitors.

Visa Lottery

The visa lottery program must have been created by a Liberal. Hoorah for the U.S. House Representatives voting to throw that law in the wastebasket. What a risky and extremely liberal law to randomly pick immigrants for visa. Perhaps, we should randomly deport politicians who vote for keeping the visa lottery.

Its more like a Deportation Lottery should be enabled for immigrants on visa who are found guilty of any crime.

Overseas Illegal Immigration vs. American Illegal Immigration

Is it really called Illegal Immigration when a Mexican Native moves to the U.S.? True Illegal Immigration is when foreigners arrive from overseas(Atlantic & Pacific)with out pass(WOP). The U.S. government needs to realize that their are essentially two forms of Illegal Immigration: American Illegal Immigration (AII) and Overseas Illegal Immigration(OII). Overseas immigration is undermining U.S. government.

Can U.S. citizens really rely on legal immigration? Legal immigration allows permission of any person from any world wide country to immigrate. If we keep legal immigration we're bound to lose our national identity. The U.S. government needs to properly address the immigration of people that are legally allowed immigration because of dissent from their native country's form of government(political exiles).

How about the law allowing anybody born in the U.S. to automatically obtain citizenship. Congress needs to shoot that down. The U.S. allows illegal immigrants children to become citizens. Today, I enjoyed listening to a Congressman from California in a rage about this birth right law permitting dual citizenship.

It kind of seems like the Japanese did win WWII. After all, the Japs are all over in the U.S., and over in Japan they have their immigration laws in check, and foreigners are in a theoretically separate class.

The Latin American countries have had true immigration laws over the years. The ethnic populations in Latin America are nearly unchanged for centuries. Unfortunetly, The U.S. never followed through with the Monroe Doctrine, and has allowed over sea's people to continue invading. How about a Bush Doctrine that is against Over Sea Immigration? The U.S. government needs to model immigration law after the Latin American countries immigration laws of the past.

Chicago's State Senate Conspiracy

The Great Compromise in the U.S. federal government gave each state; 2 U.S. senators and the U.S. house of representative districts based on population. This allows small and low populated states to have an equal say in the Senate, and allows highly populated states to counter the political influence in the house of representatives

The Illinois constitution needs to be reformulated to allow one senator for every one or two counties in the state. In Illinois government all of the state senatorial and house districts are nearly all swarmed around the Chicago area!(as depicted in the above chart) This current legislature is unjust and a severely flawed system of state government.

The liberals in Chicago have gone a long time avoiding taxes that would be higher imposed if the rest of the senate was spread equally among counties. Likewise the tax money derived from the Chicago area is funneled back to the Chicago area. While downstate and rural areas have been suffering economically for over a century. Go take a drive in rural southern Illinois and notice all mobile homes and delapitated homes, and then go for a drive around in downtown Chicago.

This is a fundamental mismanagement and unrepresentative of the county governments. The county governments in Illinois need to start lobbying for a state form of the Great Compromise.

A Great Compromise in Illinois will give balance away from Chicago's dominating influence in the state senate. A conservative senate in Springfield could be cultured that has been unseen in over a century. If such a conservative senate is achieved in Springfield, then I can assure the citizens of downstate Illinois that a governor from downstate will be elected. There has not been a downstate governor in Illinois since the 1800's. A downstate governor could reopen the county militia chapters. Having county militias reformed will be a form of county military for high patrol against terrorism.

The Chicago area has become a vast enclave of immigrants and foreigners. The threat of future terrorism arising from foreigners in Chicago to the rest of the counties in Illinois is a possibility. It will be a lot safer in Illinois having a sheriff and a state county militia colonel. The county militia and sheriff department is the county law enforcement equivalent to the legislative system of the senate and house of representatives.

The national guard system started in Illinois in the early 20th century, and is now leaving the states without proper state military protection. This is due to the federal government reliance of the national guard to be deployed for overseas combat.

The liberals in Chicago stripped the Illinois counties of a basic original 1818 constitutional militia right, and passed laws overruling a legitimate form of senatorial districts.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

One Minute Speech

Today I was watching CSPAN during the U.S. Congress's one minute speeches.

I was a little irritated listening to some of these speeches. Then a congressman took the stand. He stated how we need to enforce passport requirements for everybody who enters from Canada and Mexico. He put out some statistics on immigrant population, and then cleverly described that the U.S. will lose its sovereignty if we don't get immigration under control.

I was very delighted, and was happily laughing. I then noticed Republican Congressman John Shimkus. After that speech, Shimkus was showing exactly the same emotions as I was. Shimkus was sitting near the speaker podium. Then Shimkus gave his speech about continuing the war in Iraq for another year.

I thought it was interesting that Shimkus had the same emotions as I did after that Congressman gave his speech. Ironically, Shimkus is in the same relative political arena as I was raised in. The one minute speeches are the best form speech for the general public to listen to, these speeches should be broadcasted across the FM radio.

Definitions of a Liberal

Somebody that thinks the government should had out money in the form of social programs to anybody who applies or is unfortunate. A conservative believes the only legally funded U.S. government financial assistance should go to the Native American Indian Tribes.
Everybody else should have to fend for themselves, and in theory the original settlers (British & French) should be at advantage over the rest of late immigrants. "Status Quo"

Another example of liberal is somebody who wants to expand city limits into the rural countryside. A conservative wants the downtown to remain the focal center for economics, and the liberal wants to sprawl, Which puts strains on the environment and government spending.

Yet another example of a liberal is somebody who thinks we should help all the countries of the world, and at the same time allow people from around the world to immigrate to the U.S.

The liberals thought we should go fight in the middle east. The conservative thinks we should be fighting the middle easteners here.

A liberal is somebody who wants to impose more and more state laws, and overturn the traditional laws of America, and thinks that legalized abortion is a great American virtue.

A liberal is usually a professor at a university that circles the lessons around ethics and morals.

A liberal is somebody who often buys foreign goods, and then clutters the house with the goods so that you can't walk into rooms.

A liberal enjoys eating out at Asian and Middle Eastern restaurants, whereas
A conservative eats at the oldest and most respected restaurants in town.

A liberal thinks that public transportation is a great thing, and we should increase spending to develop more roads. Whereas conservative thinks we should maintain the road infrastructure.

A liberal thinks that shopping for groceries at walmart is so wonderful.

A liberal believes smoking tobacco should be banned everywhere.

Somebody who is just bad for American business.

A liberal believes all guns should be banned.

A liberal believes that television isn't biased. A liberal can't see through last names, and doesn't care what ethnic background the last name.

A liberal believes that homosexuals should be allowed in the military.

A liberal believes that the U.S. government can't legally detain terrorists indefinitely.

A liberal believes Ellis Island should be reopened for immigration service.

A liberal believe the U.S. government is secretly conspiring against it's own citizens, and the conservative believes the government is only conspiring against criminals. Since liberals are criminals it is logical that government is conspiring against them.

A Liberal believes we should have laws against drugs, and conservatives believe in free trade, just like in early American history and Native American history.

A liberal buys an electric coffee grinder, and a conservative buys a manual coffee grinder.

A liberal buys new Amazon hardwood dining room furniture, and a conservative buys American antique.

A liberal forces downsizing in a manufacturing company.

A liberal can't remember American history.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

My American Immigration Reform Bill

The U.S. needs to allow immigration passage of citizens from North and South American. The U.S. needs to stop the over seas immigration. That is where the serious threats of losing our culture and terrorists arise. Immigrants arriving from Latin America and Canada is a natural immigration flow. "American Natural Immigration"

People from Latin American are a lot more culturally similar, than people that are arriving from Asia, Europe and Africa. There already is enough immigration heritage from Asia, Africa, and Europe. Allowing immigration from the south and north permits the natural influx of Native Americans to fill the void left from the trail of tears. An American only immigration bill will allow the U.S. to continue to move upward.This is the only legitimate immigration package the government could offer.

This bill would secure political ties to the rest of nations in the North and South American continents. Politicians need to stand up and face the realities of over seas immigration. In France, a Frenchman isn't necessarily a French by blood anymore, and in Britain a British man isn't necessarily British by blood. In France the Muslims are in common place, and in Britain East Indians are in common place. So my beloved Europeans, long to Over Sea's Immigration.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

September 11th & World War III

On September 11, 2001 the muslims started World War III. Since then it has been a upward spiral. When the rural folk starts to enlist without a necessary military draft that is what starts war! I will run for political office if war out breaks in the U.S.

Historical Fact: During the First Christian Crusade the Christians rode into Jerusalem and slaughtered all the Jews and Muslims alike.
Is the first American Crusade going to be like that in New York City?

Frankly writing, I think nuclear explosive bombs might be a myth. I don't doubt that nuclear technology does'nt exist, but I feel that the explosive effects of Nuclear Bombs were created in Hollywood using special effects, and thought of by Jews like Albert Einstein. The closest thing would be rigging a bomb to disperse nuclear radiation. It was a clever way to try to prevent World War III. Hence we will all blow each other up, so we must maintain world peace!

How can this be?
Have you ever personally seen a real nuclear bomb testing?
What would have destroyed Nagaski and Hiroshima?

It is a fact that blanket bombing was used in Germany to create fire infernos that destroyed entire cities. It would seem logical that most of Japanese buildings were built out of wood in Nagaski and Hiroshima. There also must have been left over bombs not dropped in Germany, our productions of bomb making was high at the time of the Nagaski bombing.

Remember I'm just using some logical thinking from the inner circle of deep thought.

Anti Christmas Atmosphere?

Why do Americans now think its only politically correct to call it the holidays. Happy Holidays, etc. Well that usually means Christmas and New Years.

Beware/Attention the Below Contains Harsh Criticisms:

Now the Jewish octopus is trying to brainwash Americans into thinking they will be sued or defamed if they have Merry Christmas signs in their business windows. Like last night, Some Lipman liberal was on Fox News with O'Reilly.
Lipman was trying to say Christmas should not be a federal holiday. I thought it was interesting hearing a U.S. Congressman explain that during the Continental Congress days they purchased 20,000 bibles for distribution.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
Happy Holidays is spelled a lot like Happy Hanukkah.

Governor Blagojevich Who's Your Granddaddy?

I figured out much about some my distant grandfathers.

Don't forget most of my families political activity in Illinois was before the City of Chicago was even founded. Illinois Governor Blagojevich is so corrupted by Chicago. He still lives in Chicago area, and never moved into the mansion. Rumor is it that Blagojevich's wife is a Jew. It's no wonder that he hasn't ever lived in the Illinois Governor's Mansion.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Corporation Hiring Immigrant Tax Bill

Immigrants that arrive from over seas do not usually go to work for mom and pop shops. They usually work for corporate America. These immigrants are acquiring some of the highest paying jobs, and they are not even citizens. These corporations need to be held accountable for this un-American behavior.

The government needs to start a tax. The tax should stall corporations efforts to export our manufacturing technologies! U.S. Corporations that have a domestic immigrant work force over 10%, and are setting up manufacturing shop outside the U.S. need a special corporate tax.

Immigration and the rise of the Third U.S. Confederacy

The federal government has just become to liberal towards global immigration.
An extreme rift between the democractic and republican parties has undoubtedly arose. As I walk the streets of Chicago, I notice the stench of foreign bodies, and it is very logical to hypothesize that the federal government can not handle the role of immigration. It is likely that the modern immigration is causing the development of a third confederacy.

During the Reagan administration, an extreme pulling apart effect from federal and state powers increased. This has not occurred since the early 1800's. It has become evident that one state can not rely on politicans from other states for a united immigration standard.

Immigrants undoubtedly migrate all over. Chicago has been invaded by the foreigner immigrants of New York City. Immigrants should only be permitted to reside within one state. Immigrants should be banned from traveling at large in the U.S., similar to what felons have been ordered by judges. If each American state could enforce their own standard for immigration, it would undoubltely be stricker. If one state orders for a deportation, the federal government could ban that individual from entering any other state, and then step up to execute deportation.

How much longer is the door to international immigration going to remain open?

Native American tribes should probably join each other on a pact, similar to the declaration of independence, due to the federal governments continual allowance of over seas immigration.
Is'nt it strange we still rely on the FBI for interstate commerce? The FBI only looks into something after the fact that a crime was committed. Beware... The States in the United States need to step up the border control between the states. For visitors a passport stamp requirement in each state or an automatic deportation.

Who has created this vast swamp of foreigners? The Liberals, Tax the Liberals.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Politicians Lack Of Courage

The problem with today's politicians is they think they must be so status quo, ethical, and legitimate just to maintain their incumbency. They believe that they must maintain their elected political position, and then refuse to address the serious problems.
I believe that being in Congress or Senate should be the point in one's career that they must fulfill a speech destined for all Americans to; believe in, hate, or accept. Much like the Presidency of Andrew Jackson. It's only a matter of time until a president emerges like President Jackson, and starts rounding up all the illegal immigrants to be sent not out west but to their place of origin. Being in Congress is the time in a career that you address your fundamental beliefs even if it causes you to be dispelled from office. They lack the courage to speak out on true conservatism. Because of their failure to address the undermining issues affecting the demise of American traditions, our prosperity suffers a downward spiral.

U.S. Army Enlistment Skyrocket

Quite frankly its a joke the U.S. government doesn't have the United States Army enforcing immigration and border security. Instead they assume the Army to the role of transportation cordination.

Imagine if the future role of the Army was to actively seek illegal immigrants. It would become a dream of the Army james bond in every young boy. The United States has relied on government agencies for far too long to do the role of national security and immigration enforcement. Army soldiery enlistment would skyrocket if the Army withdrew from abroad, and began this pivotal new role in national security. Every young man in the bible belt would be seeking to join the Army.

The U.S. Army's Future Role Of Homeland Security

Why should have never went to war with Iraq. Instead we should have went to war with Iraqis, and other similar towel heads that are in the U.S.
Then again it's the old saying is, if you send our soldiers to fight in another country they will know the enemy better. When all our soldiers come home they will be better able to fight the enemy within our country.

Our soliders need to be here, not in Iraq rounding up illegal immigrants. This is a gigantic nation. Our soldiers need to perform as the enforcers for immigration and customs, FBI, Homeland Security, etc.

Why do we allow so many middle easterners into the interior of the U.S.? We have more middle easterner in Chicago than we have soldiers abroad! All these foreigners in Chicago have sucked up the job market. My family has been in Illinois since before Chicago was even formed as a city. Yet I can't get hired in Chicago due to a flood of foreigners who studied so hard just to displace a well qualified Illinois citizen.

Another old saying was, "If your a honorable soldier then you were given land by the government." Well nowadays, honorable soldiers should be given a title of government almost equal to the British house of Lords. A new standard for American Conservatism.

We need the Army here in the United States, the Navy and Air Force could stay abroad. We the people need the United States Army to enforce Homeland Security and Border Security.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Imported Textiles

Major corporations need to be held accountable for all the imported textiles they are flooding the U.S. market with. A lot of the mom and pop shops still, or used to sell mainly U.S. textiles. I mean if the American shopper would only buy textiles made in the U.S., you will be saving a bundle, because its nearly impossible to find such textiles. The worst is seeing some high prices on imported textiles.

I would like to see a statistic comparing male and female consumers who buys more imported textiles.

A friend of mine who has been in the union for years once told me, "Only buy products made in the U.S.A., because it hurts so many parts of the U.S. when you buy imports.

This week, President Bush is expected to negotiate with China over their exporting of textiles to the U.S. This is the second time President Bush has made such an attempt, the first was imposing tariffs on imported steel. Now, I believe the president needs to impose tariffs on imported textiles. Just remember America has a unique strain of cotton than the rest of the world. The Aztec's had cotton armor. We don't need Asian cotton textiled imports.

Monday, November 07, 2005

What Abortion has created

Abortion has caused the demise of traditional values. In essence, women have accepted whorish values due to their availability to have abortions at any time. They wear clothes with no class, and are actively dressing for sex.

Men and Women are unwilling to vow for marriage. We aren't getting married until late in life, due to the heightened use of abortion, and birth control.

Abortion is murderous, and set a standard equal to something to precivilization days.

Abortion has also caused the increase of STD'S due to the easy availability to abort, which makes it unnecessary for sexual protection. Women and men would likely use protection much more if it was illegal for abortions.
This has become the worst case scenario for the delivery of AIDS. I am thoroughly convinced the federal government needs to either ban abortion, or leave it for the states to decide. Only illegal aliens or international visitors should be allowed to have abortions in the U.S.

It's no wonder that men are actively looking for other women to have sex with due to abortion and birth control.

A ban on abortion will also rise another baby boom class, and reduce our need for oversea's immigration.

Who has most of the abortions afterall?


Fox News is'nt Conservative

Many out there think that Fox News is the most conservative news television program?

The New York Times owns Fox News. The New York Times is a very liberal newspaper. Therefore, that is one reason there are always some liberals debating on the different shows.

The only real conservative news show is C-Span, and that is even debatable!

Paris Riots

HOORAH, Prince Charles visit should be a sign to all the proud English American's.
Having Prince Charles here is a blessing, but having Muslims on U.S. grounds outside the white house protesting is a tragedy.I have a Louisville Slugger for the Muslim foreign bastards who protested!

Is'nt it ironic that Prince Charles is in the United States while there are foreigners rioting around Paris? Yet, people in the media seem to think the royal highness was going to chat with President Bush about liking muslims... Very Doubtfull.

I am surprised the French have not totally supressed these foreign anarchists. Historically Fact: It was the Frenchman Charles Martel, known as "The Hammer", that expelled the Muslims out of southern France. Charles Martel was reported to have killed hundread muslims with a combat hammer.

I am sure if this kind of rioting happened around Washington D.C. the foreigners would be shot or rounded up and expelled from the U.S.

Free Masons

When the U.S. was founded nearly all the politicans were free masons. How is it that there are countless elected Jewish politicans? Don't they realize that free masons don't believe Jews should be involved with government.

Is'nt this the same kindof thing that caused Nazi Germany to rise, or was it the fact that Jewish bankers ran over 75% of the banks in Berlin after World War I?

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Foreigners in Chicago/ Neo-Nazi Chapters

It is amazing there are so many foreigners in Chicago. A few years back on the internet, I saw a map of the midwest. Out in the suburbs of Chicago there were reported about a dozen neo nazi chapters.

Foreign Bastard Barack Obama

I like the term foreign bastard.
Its more like Senator Obama. He is the son of a foreign bastard! His father is from North Africa! His Kansas born mother, met his Kenyan born father. Just another white girl fucking a black. Dear white girls, think about AIDS before you fuck another black. I have heard Obama say much on Television, and its all meaningless jibber Jabber. Obama is about as bad as former Illinois Senator Carol Mosley Braun.

Why has the U.S. Senate allowed this Obama foriegn bastard to the ranks of foreign affairs? How much more liberal can it get? He will just hand out our money to foreign countries, and at the same time let foreign bastards in.

We got to take the power back!

February 6, 2006 Update:

For Immediate Release
Monday, Feb 06, 2006

Washington D.C. ­Â– Today, Senator McCain sent the following letter to Senator Obama regarding ongoing Congressional efforts towards bipartisan lobbying reform. The following is the text from that letter:

February 6, 2006

The Honorable Barack Obama

United States Senate


Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Obama:

I would like to apologize to you for assuming that your private assurances to me regarding your desire to cooperate in our efforts to negotiate bipartisan lobbying reform legislation were sincere. When you approached me and insisted that despite your leadershipÂ’s preference to use the issue to gain a political advantage in the 2006 elections, you were personally committed to achieving a result that would reflect credit on the entire Senate and offer the country a better example of political leadership, I concluded your professed concern for the institution and the public interest was genuine and admirable. Thank you for disabusing me of such notions with your letter to me dated February 2, 2006, which explained your decision to withdraw from our bipartisan discussions. IÂ’m embarrassed to admit that after all these years in politics I failed to interpret your previous assurances as typical rhetorical gloss routinely used in politics to make self-interested partisan posturing appear more noble. Again, sorry for the confusion, but please be assured I wonÂ’t make the same mistake again.

As you know, the Majority Leader has asked Chairman Collins to hold hearings and mark up a bill for floor consideration in early March. I fully support such timely action and I am confident that, together with Senator Lieberman, the Committee on Governmental Affairs will report out a meaningful, bipartisan bill.

You commented in your letter about my “interest in creating a task force to further study” this issue, as if to suggest I support delaying the consideration of much-needed reforms rather than allowing the committees of jurisdiction to hold hearings on the matter. Nothing could be further from the truth. The timely findings of a bipartisan working group could be very helpful to the committee in formulating legislation that will be reported to the full Senate. Since you are new to the Senate, you may not be aware of the fact that I have always supported fully the regular committee and legislative process in the Senate, and routinely urge Committee Chairmen to hold hearings on important issues. In fact, I urged Senator Collins to schedule a hearing upon the Senate’s return in January.

Furthermore, I have consistently maintained that any lobbying reform proposal be bipartisan. The bill Senators Joe Lieberman and Bill Nelson and I have introduced is evidence of that commitment as is my insistence that members of both parties be included in meetings to develop the legislation that will ultimately be considered on the Senate floor. As I explained in a recent letter to Senator Reid, and have publicly said many times, the American people do not see this as just a Republican problem or just a Democratic problem. They see it as yet another run-of-the-mill Washington scandal, and they expect it will generate just another round of partisan gamesmanship and posturing. Senator Lieberman and I, and many other members of this body, hope to exceed the publicÂ’s low expectations. We view this as an opportunity to bring transparency and accountability to the Congress, and, most importantly, to show the public that both parties will work together to address our failings.

As I noted, I initially believed you shared that goal. But I understand how important the opportunity to lead your partyÂ’s effort to exploit this issue must seem to a freshman Senator, and I hold no hard feelings over your earlier disingenuousness. Again, I have been around long enough to appreciate that in politics the public interest isnÂ’t always a priority for every one of us. Good luck to you, Senator.


John McCain

United States Senate

Feburary 10, 2006 Update:

The Chicago television media described that Obama, "walks on water". What happens after McCain's letter becomes public? The scandalous Hollywood liberals try to gain fame for the incompetant liberal Obama award him with a grammy for a book he wrote over 11 years ago. What's next for the Hollywood liberals? Award a grammy to the dead Anne Franke for her diary.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Big Words but No Ideas

Why is it people that become famous through politics, or the media use such big words?
Do they want to belittle people? Do they think they are so high in society that they will only get higher if they use more stranger and odder words? wrong...

I can't tell you how many times I have heard some politican using all these complex words. Is it to confuse people, or are they just to lame to discuss important issues? Probably because there are alot of famous people who just can't think of any unique issues. Its like they all drag on the same topics that are popular, and will use big words to further stir the pot.

It's like they think they got so high in society through using such odd words. In reality the people who really make a dent in society are the people who take a different approach. That is to bring out issues like I have on this website. It's more important to really try to fix problems that exist. Not to further a topic in a downward spiral of twisted words. Think of a topic that will help your fellow American that nobody else has wrote about.

This kindof article sounds like Andy from 60 minutes...

Valet Drivers Lack Of Class

I have viewed and heard pleanty of valet drivers.

Today, I viewed some young punk in a Porsche revving the car up high, when all he was doing was just parking in reverse in the middle of a church parking lot. I've heard them countlessly roasting the tires in the parking lot, and when leaving the parking lot.
First off, if you drive a new or a sports car, your car is usually fucked in before you get it back.
Secondly, They will drive your car to its RPM limits, much like youngsters who get a thrill flooring a car for the first time.
So, think twice before you pay some outrageous fee to allow some young punk to floor your car around the corner.

Perhaps, the state of Illinois should began monitoring valet drivers much more closely. Besides, most of them all appear to be non U.S. citizens.

Newsbroadcasters Opinions

Nothing more infuriating than hearing news personal giving their opinions on subjects so unimportant that they just become dum hearted fools. News is all about facts! There is a difference between news and journalism. News is not about forecasting who is going to win, or which one you think is better, etc. Besides the typical evening news at 5:30 and 6:00 P.M., the rest of the programs on; Fox News, CNBC, CNN are nothing more than "News Soapbopperas."

News writer folks, take your opinions to the gypsy wagon, and fall off the cliffs of the Grand Canyon.

There is always a news broadcastor that got hired because his eye brow has a funny angle when raised. Its like the news broadcasters are required to make all these odd facial remarks, or use strange verbs and adjectives to be so unique. When in reality it makes them look like puppets.

Politicans Braging About Their Favorite Team While On The Floor

I wake up. Turn on the television to CSPAN, and hear U.S. Representatives talking like motor mouths about baseball playoff teams. I mean they are basically bragging about what team they favor. What a waste of; my time, your time, tax time to hear such fools talk about unrelated issues not concerning government. Meanwhile crime plagues the streets all over America.

Is this what a modern fillabuster is?

I hope these politicans are pushed off the bandwagon before their next election.

Unemployment & Foreign Doctors on Visa and Death

The United States government needs to stop allowing immigration.

We have unemployment rates well over 15% in areas. It is very ill to let immigrants in, when we can't even fill college graduates in the work field. Perhaps, we should have mandatory high income taxes for all immigrants who are here, or arrive when we have any such unemployment rate.

What is the status of foreigners who come here to attain degree's, and then continue to stay here? Why must we have this continue? We have foreigners from across the globe who become doctors, and we let them stay here. In the meantime, their native country only usually has 1 doctor to 1,000's. Yet, the politicians of the United States allow our citizens to die at the hands of non-U.S. citizen doctors.

My brother almost died in a Chicago hospital full of foreign born doctors. Until his friend Mike Miller became boisterous in there, and made these doctors perform their duties. Ironically, Mike's father is a judge in Cook County, Illinois, and his uncle was the Chairman of the Chicago Board of Trade.

Its only logical to allow immigration when we have unemployment under 1%.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

American Indian Reservation Inter-Nation Highway System Bill

Native American Tribes need to be granted authority to build or have the government build inter-states highways connecting all Indian reservations. This system should be built because, they used to have unobstructed direct trading routes, but have since been destroyed. Indian reservations need new direct inter tribal trading routes to insure their upward economic survival.

Such highways should start and stop at designated reservations to prevent abuse of the primary use of such roads. There should only be off ramps where the Indian tribes permit. These highways should be paid for exclusively by the tax payers of the United States. The tribes could collect toll payments for those not registered in either tribe. Speed limits could be unlimited, and Indian Highway patrol units could perform policing.

This could truly bring financial rise that would rival any current economic acitivity on Indian Reservations. It is just strange there are so many highways that zig zag the U.S. Yet, not one connects two tribal reservations directly. The benefits could be boundless to tribes that lost their direct ancient inter tribal trade routes. Trading between Indian tribes would become limitless.

Mexican Immigration

The Mexican/Latin American immigration isn't the problem.

That is a natural American flow of immigration. The problem is the liberals try to point to them as the illegals. The Mexican population is more closely related to Native American tribes than any other immigrants. The people that are becoming enraged about the Mexican immigration are the true big city liberal foreigners. I am tired of the liberal media denouncing Mexican immigrants. The Mexicans should continue to arrive illegally or legally as immigrants, long before any Middle Eastern, or other various Asian immigrants from over seas arrive.

In reality, it is the big city liberals that do not have any true American ancestral background that are stirring up trouble about Mexican immigration.

Grass Excon 2

The government needs to forbid the use of lawn mowers on government lands, unless it is to stop a blind sight for transportation, ball fields, or other types of athletic fields. The government has such vast land quanities, and it inefficient to use lawn mowers when nobody walks on areas of the land in large numbers.

Raise taxes the land taxes on people with grass lawns! The exception of grass lawns should be a short range surrounding a residential structure, frontal property of commercial businesses that sell products or services directly. This exception would not apply to industrial, warehouse, shipping centers. The government needs to require all land unused to be properly planted or return to nature state, or regrowth to its former status of native wild life growth.

Fines and high taxes should result if not properly followed. Since the postal service is the most widely covered federal government agents, it could be given special daily oversight to check for obedience of such land laws. Afterall, the postal service is under the Executive branch of the Federal Government

Air Lines and Over Sea Immigration

Why did the United State government stop with the United Kingdom being a first passage stop before all cross Atlantic immigrants arrived to the United States? This is a major problem of global immigration into the U.S. Perhaps, the islands of Bermuda and Midway should become a required stop/lay over for all immigrants wishing to enter the United States. The United States should either purchase or take over Bermuda. The United State government needs to give powers to the U.K. and Japan high authority for cross Atlantic-Pacific immigration. Then if the U.K. and Japan wished to heighten their immigration security it would be a blessing to the U.S., and vice versa. If the U.K. and Japan became somewhat fascist, then it would be really hard to enter the U.S.

The passenger air lines need to be held accountable for all this global immigration. Having U.S. marshals aboard was a major step, and the federal hiring of security check points was a good second step.

It would be a good day to U.S. security if all the air lines went bankrupt, and the United States military took over their businesses much like Amtrak. All air line flights would become U.S. Air Force flights. That would be a highly economical gain for the U.S. government to take total control of the passenger air line industry.

It is just amazing to me to see all these foreigners in Chicago that arrive here in the central U.S. through these air line companies. Meanwhile the government just doesn't realize that air lines are primarily at fault for the rapid international immigration.
The American and Foreign airline companies need to be held accountable for bringing in foreigners. Such companies should be required to assist the U.S. government in making sure the foreigners that entered U.S. soil through their company leave through their company, or face high tax penalties.

Flying in planes is too fast for a foreign immigrant to enter the United States in a matter of hours. In the old days passenger ships took takes days, and the authorities could check them over more precisely.

I saw some governmental woman on television this week saying that,” If a Brazilian enters the U.S. illegally through the Mexican border, and if they are a Brazilian national we are going to fly them back to Brazil."
She also failed to mention at whose expense this flight would be paid by. People fail to think economically. They should all sit monitored on a freight cargo ship back to their homeland.

U.S. Soldier Citizenship Requirement Reform Bill

The Federal Government needs to require all U.S. soldiers to be natural born citizen's, like its required to become President of the United States. The only option open for military/law enforcement hiring to non-U.S. citizens or naturalized citizens should be in the local city police. This is a serious flaw of the Federal Government ability's to let U.S. citizenship govern our military.

The 1800's ended about 105 years ago... We have a sufficient enough population to defend ourselves. I mean our two nearest neighbors Canada and Mexico, we grossly out weigh them in population numbers. Wake Up! The citizens of the United States should not allow this foreign infiltration of our military to continue.

February 21, 2006 Update:

Three Muslims immigrants indicted for threats and terrorist planning in Toledo, Ohio. Apparently one of these Muslim radicals was formerly enlisted in the U.S. military. This proves this posts claim that its extremely risky allowing non-citizens into the military.

Oddly enough the city of Toledo, Spain was the site of famous Spanish inquisition. The citizens must take great pride in Toledo, Ohio for having their city named after the famed capitol of Inquisition. Toledo's populace must have been amazed at the ignorance of these Muslims to arrive in middle America to start their jihad.

Government's true upper hand

The U.S. government will always have the upper hand. The U.S. government officially received nearly all the land of Illinois & the current city of Chicago through the contraversial peace treaties with various Indian tribes.

Therefore, the government still has the land in trust, and all citizens are merely renters(tax payers) with deed. Except for the recent liberal court ruling allowing the government to take private land, and had it over to developers for their personal gain. Because the U.S. government has never officially given up the land it has the authority vested in it to expel, force remove, arrest, tear down structures, tax, and use whatever necessary force to obtain order over the people that stand on the land.

Because of this power clause over the current non-tribal lands acquired through treaties, it is the primary reason the government should continue being more leaniate towards American Indian Tribes in their recognition and nationalized tribal rights.

Legal Assassinations Only In America

Put the noose before the gavel.

What is another legal way to assassinate a foreign terrorist in the United States?

The U.S. Executive Branch, "power of the sword", would have strike an agreement with a Native American Indian Tribe. The President and the select Indian Tribes would have to deem a select few illegal aliens as enemies of the state. Both groups would have to pass joint agreements to expel death by assassination. The U.S. government could then hire Indian Tribes to organize an execution squad.

This would be an eye opener to foreigners who wish to commit terrorist acts in a major U.S. city. I could give a chill to illegal alien terrorists. The government had the authority to do such acts two hundred years ago, and why can't it do it now? Is it because of an infiltration of liberal law makers unwilling to negotiate war methods with American Indian Tribes?

Wild Turkey Preservation

Over the past two centuries our wild turkeys population has been devastated.In the early part of this century only tens of thousands of wild turkeys were found in a few remote areas. By 1920, wild turkeys were extirpated from 18 of the 39 states of their ancestral range (Mosby and Handley 1943).Its not a bad argument to compare the population decline equal to that of the wild buffaloes that once roamed the continental U.S. Around thanksgiving a couple years ago, a new agency on television reported that the wild turkey population has dwindled to under 30,000. It would probably be accurate to estimate there was once millions of wild turkeys roaming north America. The core of wild turkey populations has been cornered to the Ozark-Shawnee National Forrest area. The government needs to impose a full ban on wild turkey hunting.

Its amazing though, I just recently witnessed about a dozen wild turkeys standing around on some rail road tracks directly across the Mississippi River from downtown Saint Louis, Missouri!

Forrest Fire Areas Protection

The government needs to take a stand to put areas that had forrest fires under federal protection until a full Forrest recovery. The government should enact a ban of development on land that was destroyed by forrest fires. The past few years have been the worst for forrest fires.

It would be terrible to have the once vast forrest areas transformed into cattle pastures or modern day homesteaders growing large grass lawns.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Deport Foreign Taxicab Drivers

We have an abundance of foreigners who drive taxi cabs.

Most of the taxi drivers in Chicago are not citizens. I stand firm with the Chicago alderman seeking to require Taxi drivers to have dress uniforms. There are far to many total taxi cab's in Chicago, you can constantly see 1 out of 2 driving around without hire. They pollute and are becoming increasingly unregulated and need to be taxed.

Taxi Drivers want to increase a one dollar charge on all customers, yet they seem to have a lack of knowledge of how to follow the Illinois Rules of the Road. They blantantly ignore the; speed limits, lane changes, stop signs, and pedestrian walk ways. These taxi cab businesses have became a gateway for foreigners to enter the United States. These aren't typical European immigrants, these people arrive from all corners of the globe in Middle Eastern and central Asian countries. Then they aren't willing to speak English, or even Spanish when they are off work and tour this great land.

What gives them the right to drive around U.S. citizens? In the meantime, we have poor African Americans begging on the street side. Surely, It would seem logical to create a state program to start replacing the Taliban taxi cab driver with a poor local citizen struggling to get by. Thanks to government inefficiencies, or liberal practices we have allowed foreigners to operate vehicles that transport the general public abroad. These Taliban taxi cab drivers should have to work in the slaughter packing houses as immigrants used to. Its time to let them drink some swine blood from a small can that they can tie to their waist belt.

"There certainly can't be much Homeland Security in Chicago, when there are more foreign taxi drivers than police officers."

The City of Chicago needs transform itself from an International City, and to be a Great All-American City. We need to start with new license requirements.

I challenge every Illinois Law Maker to create a state statute requiring all taxi drivers, and public transportation drivers to be U.S. citizens.

Update Note:
One Janurary 30, 2006 Retired General Wesley Clark gave a speech about foreign policy. In the beginning of his speech he remarked, "Unlike the taxi cab driver, I was born here in the U.S., and told about all the states he lived in! Beautiful I felt like he must have read this post...

Study confirms most NYC cab drivers are foreign born
NEW YORK (AP) — More than eight out of 10 of the city's cab drivers are recent immigrants, a taxi industry consultant reports, a percentage that has risen significantly in the past two decades.

An analysis of U.S. Census figures shows that 84% of yellow cab and limousine drivers are foreign-born, up from 64% in 1990 and 38% in 1980, according to the study issued Tuesday by consultant Bruce Schaller.

Monday, January 10, 2005

Grass Excon Tax Bill

What a mindless use of land to grow grass alone. Gee, lets plant one type of seed to take over an acre of land, and eliminate the rest with lawn mowers and sprays of chemicals. Use your brain and realize how much went to waste: Non-renewable petro, any one in a billion other plants that could have gave you money through trade venue, a quick pheasant or toad could have hung out instead of the over populated rodent squirrels!

For those who use land mowers, its going to be ten times more expensive to run them. Thats because laws will be enabled to place a special tax on lawn mowers. Prepare for giant land tax increases on your residental land that you degenerated as useless due to your inability to either; let nature slowly take her course back to the forrest, or to start planting useful plants. Because grass lawns equal useless space of production, therefore you can bet your honey jar that uncle sam will tax your laziness.

Summary: Grass lawns are a waste of space, and are simply an unprodcutive use of land.