Thursday, December 08, 2005

Definitions of a Liberal

Somebody that thinks the government should had out money in the form of social programs to anybody who applies or is unfortunate. A conservative believes the only legally funded U.S. government financial assistance should go to the Native American Indian Tribes.
Everybody else should have to fend for themselves, and in theory the original settlers (British & French) should be at advantage over the rest of late immigrants. "Status Quo"

Another example of liberal is somebody who wants to expand city limits into the rural countryside. A conservative wants the downtown to remain the focal center for economics, and the liberal wants to sprawl, Which puts strains on the environment and government spending.

Yet another example of a liberal is somebody who thinks we should help all the countries of the world, and at the same time allow people from around the world to immigrate to the U.S.

The liberals thought we should go fight in the middle east. The conservative thinks we should be fighting the middle easteners here.

A liberal is somebody who wants to impose more and more state laws, and overturn the traditional laws of America, and thinks that legalized abortion is a great American virtue.

A liberal is usually a professor at a university that circles the lessons around ethics and morals.

A liberal is somebody who often buys foreign goods, and then clutters the house with the goods so that you can't walk into rooms.

A liberal enjoys eating out at Asian and Middle Eastern restaurants, whereas
A conservative eats at the oldest and most respected restaurants in town.

A liberal thinks that public transportation is a great thing, and we should increase spending to develop more roads. Whereas conservative thinks we should maintain the road infrastructure.

A liberal thinks that shopping for groceries at walmart is so wonderful.

A liberal believes smoking tobacco should be banned everywhere.

Somebody who is just bad for American business.

A liberal believes all guns should be banned.

A liberal believes that television isn't biased. A liberal can't see through last names, and doesn't care what ethnic background the last name.

A liberal believes that homosexuals should be allowed in the military.

A liberal believes that the U.S. government can't legally detain terrorists indefinitely.

A liberal believes Ellis Island should be reopened for immigration service.

A liberal believe the U.S. government is secretly conspiring against it's own citizens, and the conservative believes the government is only conspiring against criminals. Since liberals are criminals it is logical that government is conspiring against them.

A Liberal believes we should have laws against drugs, and conservatives believe in free trade, just like in early American history and Native American history.

A liberal buys an electric coffee grinder, and a conservative buys a manual coffee grinder.

A liberal buys new Amazon hardwood dining room furniture, and a conservative buys American antique.

A liberal forces downsizing in a manufacturing company.

A liberal can't remember American history.

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