Thursday, June 01, 2006

MemphisTennessee Homeland Security Headquarters!

The best news of the month is that New York City lacked recent funding for Homeland Security. For one NYC is already a tossed salad of potential terrorists. Like I stated on a prior post, I predict the U.S. military will be marching in to New York City like when Crusaders marched to Judea to slaughter people that followed the Islamic & Jewish religions.

Why give money to a city already strapped with Jew money from people like the Liberal Republican Peter King. NYC is not the center of the U.S.! Memphis and Louisville should be recieving funding to boster homeland security defense because of their central location. Memphis and Louisville are a perfect distance away from Chicago & NYC. Hopefully this is the start of a central build up to expell foreigners from the center of the U.S. outwards like a modern march of Independence from foreigner invanders.

Washington D.C. already has the military as its base of headquarters. That should rule out additional homeland security funding for that city. Fucking cable television news bullshitters are so hooked to NYC welfare. I think NYC lost its status as an American city about fourty years ago. NYC is an international group of islands full of foreigners bent on breaking the rule of American law.

I'll visit New York City when they pass a city ordinance requiring residents to be natural born citizens. That would be the only way to sweep the city clean of foreign trash.

Maybe NYC will get expelled from soverignity status in the U.S., to become part of Germany, and then let the Nazi's rise up to solely invade New York City. It's a wonder the Nazi's did'nt invade the U.S., and the U.S. military would have folded back to let them clean up foreigners, just like how the Russians let the Nazi's march in to cleanse. Until the Nazi's knocked on Moscow's door. If that does'nt work than Memphis geting homeland security is the counter balance.