Wednesday, December 21, 2005

FBI,ATF,NSA,CIA Oversight?

Today I heard someone on television confused about who keeps; the Police, FBI, ATF, NSA, CIA, in check. Simply stated, Who is to weigh as much on the other side of the political security scale?

The U.S. military should be the counter weight to all the government agencies like the; FBI, ATF, NSA, CIA. A system of checks and balances should be enacted to be performed by the military over various governmental security agencies. The current lack of a system of checks and balances undermines the public safety.

It's quite apparent that governmental agencies are trying to dominate U.S. homeland security, while the domestic military is being pushed into an inferior role of shipping and receiving goods.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Dear Enemy Liberals,

New Laws Should Only Be Made To Protect Our Economy And CitizensIt is amazing that politicians think they make political progress by imposing new domestic laws, when they are actually reducing liberty for citizens. Liberal politicians are the law producers and the ones that hand out cash for social programs. Is it true these Liberal American politicians are giving Israel over a million dollars per day?

I think a status quo of laws imposed on citizens should remain. The only major new laws should be issued against foreigners in the U.S. They should include many restrictions and countermeasure surveillances. The worst crime affecting the U.S. is copy writing violations by foreign countries like China.

New laws should only be passed to protect our economy and citizens from the tyranny of rest of the world! We need to preserve our liberty. Prosperity will only continue if we give the liberty back to the citizens.

Friday, December 16, 2005

Domestic Spying

Today the media has believed it unsurfaced some terrific information about domestic spying. In reality, there has governmental domestic spying since the days of the Roman Empire. Seems like the octopus is getting either nervous or scared.

The government constantly spies on citizens through; finance(IRS), police, pollution(EPA)to say just three.

It is perfectly natural for the government to have domestic spying at all levels. Yet now we have the liberal media downplaying President Bush that he engaged in domestic spying. Whether its through top secret spying, or a public school teacher trying to spot cheaters, there will always be domestic spying by the government on citizens.

Not much has changed, except the liberal media trying to defame President Bush. Whatelse is new though? The liberal media has been causing problems for Presidents for decades to the point where most media members are a step away from being traitors.

Visa Lottery

The visa lottery program must have been created by a Liberal. Hoorah for the U.S. House Representatives voting to throw that law in the wastebasket. What a risky and extremely liberal law to randomly pick immigrants for visa. Perhaps, we should randomly deport politicians who vote for keeping the visa lottery.

Its more like a Deportation Lottery should be enabled for immigrants on visa who are found guilty of any crime.

Overseas Illegal Immigration vs. American Illegal Immigration

Is it really called Illegal Immigration when a Mexican Native moves to the U.S.? True Illegal Immigration is when foreigners arrive from overseas(Atlantic & Pacific)with out pass(WOP). The U.S. government needs to realize that their are essentially two forms of Illegal Immigration: American Illegal Immigration (AII) and Overseas Illegal Immigration(OII). Overseas immigration is undermining U.S. government.

Can U.S. citizens really rely on legal immigration? Legal immigration allows permission of any person from any world wide country to immigrate. If we keep legal immigration we're bound to lose our national identity. The U.S. government needs to properly address the immigration of people that are legally allowed immigration because of dissent from their native country's form of government(political exiles).

How about the law allowing anybody born in the U.S. to automatically obtain citizenship. Congress needs to shoot that down. The U.S. allows illegal immigrants children to become citizens. Today, I enjoyed listening to a Congressman from California in a rage about this birth right law permitting dual citizenship.

It kind of seems like the Japanese did win WWII. After all, the Japs are all over in the U.S., and over in Japan they have their immigration laws in check, and foreigners are in a theoretically separate class.

The Latin American countries have had true immigration laws over the years. The ethnic populations in Latin America are nearly unchanged for centuries. Unfortunetly, The U.S. never followed through with the Monroe Doctrine, and has allowed over sea's people to continue invading. How about a Bush Doctrine that is against Over Sea Immigration? The U.S. government needs to model immigration law after the Latin American countries immigration laws of the past.

Chicago's State Senate Conspiracy

The Great Compromise in the U.S. federal government gave each state; 2 U.S. senators and the U.S. house of representative districts based on population. This allows small and low populated states to have an equal say in the Senate, and allows highly populated states to counter the political influence in the house of representatives

The Illinois constitution needs to be reformulated to allow one senator for every one or two counties in the state. In Illinois government all of the state senatorial and house districts are nearly all swarmed around the Chicago area!(as depicted in the above chart) This current legislature is unjust and a severely flawed system of state government.

The liberals in Chicago have gone a long time avoiding taxes that would be higher imposed if the rest of the senate was spread equally among counties. Likewise the tax money derived from the Chicago area is funneled back to the Chicago area. While downstate and rural areas have been suffering economically for over a century. Go take a drive in rural southern Illinois and notice all mobile homes and delapitated homes, and then go for a drive around in downtown Chicago.

This is a fundamental mismanagement and unrepresentative of the county governments. The county governments in Illinois need to start lobbying for a state form of the Great Compromise.

A Great Compromise in Illinois will give balance away from Chicago's dominating influence in the state senate. A conservative senate in Springfield could be cultured that has been unseen in over a century. If such a conservative senate is achieved in Springfield, then I can assure the citizens of downstate Illinois that a governor from downstate will be elected. There has not been a downstate governor in Illinois since the 1800's. A downstate governor could reopen the county militia chapters. Having county militias reformed will be a form of county military for high patrol against terrorism.

The Chicago area has become a vast enclave of immigrants and foreigners. The threat of future terrorism arising from foreigners in Chicago to the rest of the counties in Illinois is a possibility. It will be a lot safer in Illinois having a sheriff and a state county militia colonel. The county militia and sheriff department is the county law enforcement equivalent to the legislative system of the senate and house of representatives.

The national guard system started in Illinois in the early 20th century, and is now leaving the states without proper state military protection. This is due to the federal government reliance of the national guard to be deployed for overseas combat.

The liberals in Chicago stripped the Illinois counties of a basic original 1818 constitutional militia right, and passed laws overruling a legitimate form of senatorial districts.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

One Minute Speech

Today I was watching CSPAN during the U.S. Congress's one minute speeches.

I was a little irritated listening to some of these speeches. Then a congressman took the stand. He stated how we need to enforce passport requirements for everybody who enters from Canada and Mexico. He put out some statistics on immigrant population, and then cleverly described that the U.S. will lose its sovereignty if we don't get immigration under control.

I was very delighted, and was happily laughing. I then noticed Republican Congressman John Shimkus. After that speech, Shimkus was showing exactly the same emotions as I was. Shimkus was sitting near the speaker podium. Then Shimkus gave his speech about continuing the war in Iraq for another year.

I thought it was interesting that Shimkus had the same emotions as I did after that Congressman gave his speech. Ironically, Shimkus is in the same relative political arena as I was raised in. The one minute speeches are the best form speech for the general public to listen to, these speeches should be broadcasted across the FM radio.

Definitions of a Liberal

Somebody that thinks the government should had out money in the form of social programs to anybody who applies or is unfortunate. A conservative believes the only legally funded U.S. government financial assistance should go to the Native American Indian Tribes.
Everybody else should have to fend for themselves, and in theory the original settlers (British & French) should be at advantage over the rest of late immigrants. "Status Quo"

Another example of liberal is somebody who wants to expand city limits into the rural countryside. A conservative wants the downtown to remain the focal center for economics, and the liberal wants to sprawl, Which puts strains on the environment and government spending.

Yet another example of a liberal is somebody who thinks we should help all the countries of the world, and at the same time allow people from around the world to immigrate to the U.S.

The liberals thought we should go fight in the middle east. The conservative thinks we should be fighting the middle easteners here.

A liberal is somebody who wants to impose more and more state laws, and overturn the traditional laws of America, and thinks that legalized abortion is a great American virtue.

A liberal is usually a professor at a university that circles the lessons around ethics and morals.

A liberal is somebody who often buys foreign goods, and then clutters the house with the goods so that you can't walk into rooms.

A liberal enjoys eating out at Asian and Middle Eastern restaurants, whereas
A conservative eats at the oldest and most respected restaurants in town.

A liberal thinks that public transportation is a great thing, and we should increase spending to develop more roads. Whereas conservative thinks we should maintain the road infrastructure.

A liberal thinks that shopping for groceries at walmart is so wonderful.

A liberal believes smoking tobacco should be banned everywhere.

Somebody who is just bad for American business.

A liberal believes all guns should be banned.

A liberal believes that television isn't biased. A liberal can't see through last names, and doesn't care what ethnic background the last name.

A liberal believes that homosexuals should be allowed in the military.

A liberal believes that the U.S. government can't legally detain terrorists indefinitely.

A liberal believes Ellis Island should be reopened for immigration service.

A liberal believe the U.S. government is secretly conspiring against it's own citizens, and the conservative believes the government is only conspiring against criminals. Since liberals are criminals it is logical that government is conspiring against them.

A Liberal believes we should have laws against drugs, and conservatives believe in free trade, just like in early American history and Native American history.

A liberal buys an electric coffee grinder, and a conservative buys a manual coffee grinder.

A liberal buys new Amazon hardwood dining room furniture, and a conservative buys American antique.

A liberal forces downsizing in a manufacturing company.

A liberal can't remember American history.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

My American Immigration Reform Bill

The U.S. needs to allow immigration passage of citizens from North and South American. The U.S. needs to stop the over seas immigration. That is where the serious threats of losing our culture and terrorists arise. Immigrants arriving from Latin America and Canada is a natural immigration flow. "American Natural Immigration"

People from Latin American are a lot more culturally similar, than people that are arriving from Asia, Europe and Africa. There already is enough immigration heritage from Asia, Africa, and Europe. Allowing immigration from the south and north permits the natural influx of Native Americans to fill the void left from the trail of tears. An American only immigration bill will allow the U.S. to continue to move upward.This is the only legitimate immigration package the government could offer.

This bill would secure political ties to the rest of nations in the North and South American continents. Politicians need to stand up and face the realities of over seas immigration. In France, a Frenchman isn't necessarily a French by blood anymore, and in Britain a British man isn't necessarily British by blood. In France the Muslims are in common place, and in Britain East Indians are in common place. So my beloved Europeans, long to Over Sea's Immigration.