Saturday, October 22, 2005

Big Words but No Ideas

Why is it people that become famous through politics, or the media use such big words?
Do they want to belittle people? Do they think they are so high in society that they will only get higher if they use more stranger and odder words? wrong...

I can't tell you how many times I have heard some politican using all these complex words. Is it to confuse people, or are they just to lame to discuss important issues? Probably because there are alot of famous people who just can't think of any unique issues. Its like they all drag on the same topics that are popular, and will use big words to further stir the pot.

It's like they think they got so high in society through using such odd words. In reality the people who really make a dent in society are the people who take a different approach. That is to bring out issues like I have on this website. It's more important to really try to fix problems that exist. Not to further a topic in a downward spiral of twisted words. Think of a topic that will help your fellow American that nobody else has wrote about.

This kindof article sounds like Andy from 60 minutes...

Valet Drivers Lack Of Class

I have viewed and heard pleanty of valet drivers.

Today, I viewed some young punk in a Porsche revving the car up high, when all he was doing was just parking in reverse in the middle of a church parking lot. I've heard them countlessly roasting the tires in the parking lot, and when leaving the parking lot.
First off, if you drive a new or a sports car, your car is usually fucked in before you get it back.
Secondly, They will drive your car to its RPM limits, much like youngsters who get a thrill flooring a car for the first time.
So, think twice before you pay some outrageous fee to allow some young punk to floor your car around the corner.

Perhaps, the state of Illinois should began monitoring valet drivers much more closely. Besides, most of them all appear to be non U.S. citizens.

Newsbroadcasters Opinions

Nothing more infuriating than hearing news personal giving their opinions on subjects so unimportant that they just become dum hearted fools. News is all about facts! There is a difference between news and journalism. News is not about forecasting who is going to win, or which one you think is better, etc. Besides the typical evening news at 5:30 and 6:00 P.M., the rest of the programs on; Fox News, CNBC, CNN are nothing more than "News Soapbopperas."

News writer folks, take your opinions to the gypsy wagon, and fall off the cliffs of the Grand Canyon.

There is always a news broadcastor that got hired because his eye brow has a funny angle when raised. Its like the news broadcasters are required to make all these odd facial remarks, or use strange verbs and adjectives to be so unique. When in reality it makes them look like puppets.

Politicans Braging About Their Favorite Team While On The Floor

I wake up. Turn on the television to CSPAN, and hear U.S. Representatives talking like motor mouths about baseball playoff teams. I mean they are basically bragging about what team they favor. What a waste of; my time, your time, tax time to hear such fools talk about unrelated issues not concerning government. Meanwhile crime plagues the streets all over America.

Is this what a modern fillabuster is?

I hope these politicans are pushed off the bandwagon before their next election.

Unemployment & Foreign Doctors on Visa and Death

The United States government needs to stop allowing immigration.

We have unemployment rates well over 15% in areas. It is very ill to let immigrants in, when we can't even fill college graduates in the work field. Perhaps, we should have mandatory high income taxes for all immigrants who are here, or arrive when we have any such unemployment rate.

What is the status of foreigners who come here to attain degree's, and then continue to stay here? Why must we have this continue? We have foreigners from across the globe who become doctors, and we let them stay here. In the meantime, their native country only usually has 1 doctor to 1,000's. Yet, the politicians of the United States allow our citizens to die at the hands of non-U.S. citizen doctors.

My brother almost died in a Chicago hospital full of foreign born doctors. Until his friend Mike Miller became boisterous in there, and made these doctors perform their duties. Ironically, Mike's father is a judge in Cook County, Illinois, and his uncle was the Chairman of the Chicago Board of Trade.

Its only logical to allow immigration when we have unemployment under 1%.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

American Indian Reservation Inter-Nation Highway System Bill

Native American Tribes need to be granted authority to build or have the government build inter-states highways connecting all Indian reservations. This system should be built because, they used to have unobstructed direct trading routes, but have since been destroyed. Indian reservations need new direct inter tribal trading routes to insure their upward economic survival.

Such highways should start and stop at designated reservations to prevent abuse of the primary use of such roads. There should only be off ramps where the Indian tribes permit. These highways should be paid for exclusively by the tax payers of the United States. The tribes could collect toll payments for those not registered in either tribe. Speed limits could be unlimited, and Indian Highway patrol units could perform policing.

This could truly bring financial rise that would rival any current economic acitivity on Indian Reservations. It is just strange there are so many highways that zig zag the U.S. Yet, not one connects two tribal reservations directly. The benefits could be boundless to tribes that lost their direct ancient inter tribal trade routes. Trading between Indian tribes would become limitless.

Mexican Immigration

The Mexican/Latin American immigration isn't the problem.

That is a natural American flow of immigration. The problem is the liberals try to point to them as the illegals. The Mexican population is more closely related to Native American tribes than any other immigrants. The people that are becoming enraged about the Mexican immigration are the true big city liberal foreigners. I am tired of the liberal media denouncing Mexican immigrants. The Mexicans should continue to arrive illegally or legally as immigrants, long before any Middle Eastern, or other various Asian immigrants from over seas arrive.

In reality, it is the big city liberals that do not have any true American ancestral background that are stirring up trouble about Mexican immigration.

Grass Excon 2

The government needs to forbid the use of lawn mowers on government lands, unless it is to stop a blind sight for transportation, ball fields, or other types of athletic fields. The government has such vast land quanities, and it inefficient to use lawn mowers when nobody walks on areas of the land in large numbers.

Raise taxes the land taxes on people with grass lawns! The exception of grass lawns should be a short range surrounding a residential structure, frontal property of commercial businesses that sell products or services directly. This exception would not apply to industrial, warehouse, shipping centers. The government needs to require all land unused to be properly planted or return to nature state, or regrowth to its former status of native wild life growth.

Fines and high taxes should result if not properly followed. Since the postal service is the most widely covered federal government agents, it could be given special daily oversight to check for obedience of such land laws. Afterall, the postal service is under the Executive branch of the Federal Government

Air Lines and Over Sea Immigration

Why did the United State government stop with the United Kingdom being a first passage stop before all cross Atlantic immigrants arrived to the United States? This is a major problem of global immigration into the U.S. Perhaps, the islands of Bermuda and Midway should become a required stop/lay over for all immigrants wishing to enter the United States. The United States should either purchase or take over Bermuda. The United State government needs to give powers to the U.K. and Japan high authority for cross Atlantic-Pacific immigration. Then if the U.K. and Japan wished to heighten their immigration security it would be a blessing to the U.S., and vice versa. If the U.K. and Japan became somewhat fascist, then it would be really hard to enter the U.S.

The passenger air lines need to be held accountable for all this global immigration. Having U.S. marshals aboard was a major step, and the federal hiring of security check points was a good second step.

It would be a good day to U.S. security if all the air lines went bankrupt, and the United States military took over their businesses much like Amtrak. All air line flights would become U.S. Air Force flights. That would be a highly economical gain for the U.S. government to take total control of the passenger air line industry.

It is just amazing to me to see all these foreigners in Chicago that arrive here in the central U.S. through these air line companies. Meanwhile the government just doesn't realize that air lines are primarily at fault for the rapid international immigration.
The American and Foreign airline companies need to be held accountable for bringing in foreigners. Such companies should be required to assist the U.S. government in making sure the foreigners that entered U.S. soil through their company leave through their company, or face high tax penalties.

Flying in planes is too fast for a foreign immigrant to enter the United States in a matter of hours. In the old days passenger ships took takes days, and the authorities could check them over more precisely.

I saw some governmental woman on television this week saying that,” If a Brazilian enters the U.S. illegally through the Mexican border, and if they are a Brazilian national we are going to fly them back to Brazil."
She also failed to mention at whose expense this flight would be paid by. People fail to think economically. They should all sit monitored on a freight cargo ship back to their homeland.

U.S. Soldier Citizenship Requirement Reform Bill

The Federal Government needs to require all U.S. soldiers to be natural born citizen's, like its required to become President of the United States. The only option open for military/law enforcement hiring to non-U.S. citizens or naturalized citizens should be in the local city police. This is a serious flaw of the Federal Government ability's to let U.S. citizenship govern our military.

The 1800's ended about 105 years ago... We have a sufficient enough population to defend ourselves. I mean our two nearest neighbors Canada and Mexico, we grossly out weigh them in population numbers. Wake Up! The citizens of the United States should not allow this foreign infiltration of our military to continue.

February 21, 2006 Update:

Three Muslims immigrants indicted for threats and terrorist planning in Toledo, Ohio. Apparently one of these Muslim radicals was formerly enlisted in the U.S. military. This proves this posts claim that its extremely risky allowing non-citizens into the military.

Oddly enough the city of Toledo, Spain was the site of famous Spanish inquisition. The citizens must take great pride in Toledo, Ohio for having their city named after the famed capitol of Inquisition. Toledo's populace must have been amazed at the ignorance of these Muslims to arrive in middle America to start their jihad.

Government's true upper hand

The U.S. government will always have the upper hand. The U.S. government officially received nearly all the land of Illinois & the current city of Chicago through the contraversial peace treaties with various Indian tribes.

Therefore, the government still has the land in trust, and all citizens are merely renters(tax payers) with deed. Except for the recent liberal court ruling allowing the government to take private land, and had it over to developers for their personal gain. Because the U.S. government has never officially given up the land it has the authority vested in it to expel, force remove, arrest, tear down structures, tax, and use whatever necessary force to obtain order over the people that stand on the land.

Because of this power clause over the current non-tribal lands acquired through treaties, it is the primary reason the government should continue being more leaniate towards American Indian Tribes in their recognition and nationalized tribal rights.

Legal Assassinations Only In America

Put the noose before the gavel.

What is another legal way to assassinate a foreign terrorist in the United States?

The U.S. Executive Branch, "power of the sword", would have strike an agreement with a Native American Indian Tribe. The President and the select Indian Tribes would have to deem a select few illegal aliens as enemies of the state. Both groups would have to pass joint agreements to expel death by assassination. The U.S. government could then hire Indian Tribes to organize an execution squad.

This would be an eye opener to foreigners who wish to commit terrorist acts in a major U.S. city. I could give a chill to illegal alien terrorists. The government had the authority to do such acts two hundred years ago, and why can't it do it now? Is it because of an infiltration of liberal law makers unwilling to negotiate war methods with American Indian Tribes?

Wild Turkey Preservation

Over the past two centuries our wild turkeys population has been devastated.In the early part of this century only tens of thousands of wild turkeys were found in a few remote areas. By 1920, wild turkeys were extirpated from 18 of the 39 states of their ancestral range (Mosby and Handley 1943).Its not a bad argument to compare the population decline equal to that of the wild buffaloes that once roamed the continental U.S. Around thanksgiving a couple years ago, a new agency on television reported that the wild turkey population has dwindled to under 30,000. It would probably be accurate to estimate there was once millions of wild turkeys roaming north America. The core of wild turkey populations has been cornered to the Ozark-Shawnee National Forrest area. The government needs to impose a full ban on wild turkey hunting.

Its amazing though, I just recently witnessed about a dozen wild turkeys standing around on some rail road tracks directly across the Mississippi River from downtown Saint Louis, Missouri!

Forrest Fire Areas Protection

The government needs to take a stand to put areas that had forrest fires under federal protection until a full Forrest recovery. The government should enact a ban of development on land that was destroyed by forrest fires. The past few years have been the worst for forrest fires.

It would be terrible to have the once vast forrest areas transformed into cattle pastures or modern day homesteaders growing large grass lawns.