Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Wild Turkey Preservation

Over the past two centuries our wild turkeys population has been devastated.In the early part of this century only tens of thousands of wild turkeys were found in a few remote areas. By 1920, wild turkeys were extirpated from 18 of the 39 states of their ancestral range (Mosby and Handley 1943).Its not a bad argument to compare the population decline equal to that of the wild buffaloes that once roamed the continental U.S. Around thanksgiving a couple years ago, a new agency on television reported that the wild turkey population has dwindled to under 30,000. It would probably be accurate to estimate there was once millions of wild turkeys roaming north America. The core of wild turkey populations has been cornered to the Ozark-Shawnee National Forrest area. The government needs to impose a full ban on wild turkey hunting.

Its amazing though, I just recently witnessed about a dozen wild turkeys standing around on some rail road tracks directly across the Mississippi River from downtown Saint Louis, Missouri!

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