Saturday, October 22, 2005

Big Words but No Ideas

Why is it people that become famous through politics, or the media use such big words?
Do they want to belittle people? Do they think they are so high in society that they will only get higher if they use more stranger and odder words? wrong...

I can't tell you how many times I have heard some politican using all these complex words. Is it to confuse people, or are they just to lame to discuss important issues? Probably because there are alot of famous people who just can't think of any unique issues. Its like they all drag on the same topics that are popular, and will use big words to further stir the pot.

It's like they think they got so high in society through using such odd words. In reality the people who really make a dent in society are the people who take a different approach. That is to bring out issues like I have on this website. It's more important to really try to fix problems that exist. Not to further a topic in a downward spiral of twisted words. Think of a topic that will help your fellow American that nobody else has wrote about.

This kindof article sounds like Andy from 60 minutes...


Anonymous said...

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Mal said...

a) great title, "Tax Liberals" it caught my attention!

b) some very good points. as for the unemployement issue, we cant get people to work the farms here in CA to pick our food so we have to use immigrants & illegals. It's just the way it is

c) to stop all those other annoying "comments" change your settings to not allow anonymous & add the word verification part too.

Tim said...

Thanks for signing in. Your the first of a million. Yeah I will tend to write about things to help the U.S., or things nobody realized.