Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Legal Assassinations Only In America

Put the noose before the gavel.

What is another legal way to assassinate a foreign terrorist in the United States?

The U.S. Executive Branch, "power of the sword", would have strike an agreement with a Native American Indian Tribe. The President and the select Indian Tribes would have to deem a select few illegal aliens as enemies of the state. Both groups would have to pass joint agreements to expel death by assassination. The U.S. government could then hire Indian Tribes to organize an execution squad.

This would be an eye opener to foreigners who wish to commit terrorist acts in a major U.S. city. I could give a chill to illegal alien terrorists. The government had the authority to do such acts two hundred years ago, and why can't it do it now? Is it because of an infiltration of liberal law makers unwilling to negotiate war methods with American Indian Tribes?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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