Friday, March 31, 2006

Reaction to Immigration Debate

Last night the Hollywood strapped U.S. Senator John McCain was on MSNBC talking about immigration. He said something like this, " I don't know how we could gather up 11 million illegal aliens."

You nitwit it's called a War! John McCain was captured by the North Vietnamese and spent a long time as a POW. Ever since he got out of Vietnam, he is a hippy that can't figure out how to round up 11 million illegals. Because McCain is against detention, and therefore finds it, "unconstitutional", to round up illegals.

There was also another Senator yesterday that said, "We need to build a virtual fence", and he went on to say that it would be impossible to build a fence spanning our borders.

I mean this is a flabbergasted old man that thinks the use of the word virtual is hip or something. What a crock of shit. Is this "virtual" the way to save money, and it could break down during electricity outages. They act like the U.S. cannot afford to build a permanent wall spanning the entire distance of our two borders. In my lifetime if the U.S. Government hired me, I will single handedly build a real brick wall spanning the border. We should have built a solid wall back during World War II separating the U.S. from Mexico and Canada. Yet all the freeloaders are still too happy paying cheap wages to illegals.

The worst is having people like Senator Arlen Specter trying to run the whole Immigration policy. His parents aren't even natural born citizens. Gee lets just sit back and let the "Barrack Obama-Osama Bin Laden" and Arlen "Big Nosed Jew" Specter run the entire immigration show. Better yet, how about this solution for Senators not wanting to rounding up illegal aliens: Somebody ready a few English tight ropes for this ill witted Senators?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Television promotes:

Television constantly publishes these four basic topics every day.

Sex Crimes
Child Abuse

Oberweis's Loss

Even though Oberweis lost this past election for Governor. It was very close in results.

A man that will finally stand up to all this immigrant trash in Chicago, and declared to people in Southern Illinois, "If we as a government can track all of our animals (branding), why can't we track our terrorists? Why can't we track illegal aliens?" he asked.

He meant that the government is more in tune to branding livestock and knowledgeable about the livestock whereabouts than illegal aliens.

If it was up to me, there would be blood in Chicago streets up to my ankles from; Niggers, Kikes, Jewel Heads, Towel Heads and all other immigrants.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Judy Topinka's Social Skills Blunder

Judy Topinka(R) who is currently the Treasurer of the State of Illinois declared that the Republicans running against her in the primary, "are morons."

If she has even had decent social intellect, she would use the term moron to call somebody like the an stranger that drives an automobile poorly.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Televisions Trashy

Some basic reasons why television is trashy:

Nearly everything is rehearsed or scripted. The people that write the scripts don't even reveal their faces, its always turned over to the reporter who will face the embarrassment of saying liberal or biased comments. Even when television is live, the speakers always have little written speeches. Sports is the only thing that is spontaneous and real, but even the plays are planned in advance.

Television is all about people talking. Go ahead flip through every single channel on your set, and your bound to hear somebody trying to cram their ideas/opinions into your head. Television always shows human creations. Seeing a Forrest in the background is about the only thing on television that's natural. I wish there was a channel with a camera set up in the Rain Forrest, and all there was to view and hear was wild animals, plants and weather. Even if there was such a channel there would be some jack off trying to explain why the jaguar walked by.

The worst is hearing peoples opinions. Every channel you go to your bound to hear some opinion like, " this happens because..., or the only reason why..." It's also just a wee bit frustrating constantly seeing people faces on television. It's like television just consist of looking at models. Let alone all the sex and drugs and death. The worst habits and dilemmas are often discussed. Television constantly shows gruesome details.

Even worse is late night television constantly airing shows trying to get you to by their products. They have all these fantastic opinions of why their products is the best, etc. Why is it so great? They don't even mention what country these fabulous products are made in. How about all these prescription drug and over the counter drugs, or cleaning product commercials not telling the viewer an iota of what their products is made from. It's about time the FCC puts out a mandate for all these drug and cleaning companies to be forced to reveal the ingredients of their products in a little sub caption at the bottom of the screen.

How about all the multi cultural bullshit. Nearly every commercial features people with totally opposite races. Seeing that planned liberal racial harmony conspiracy is enough to get me to flip the channel. Perhaps there should be commercials like that only for big cities, and the rural and small towns could have commercials like when it used to be based on merit.

How about all these cartoon shows for children and adults. All the colors of the figures are multi colored trying to encourage what? The worst is listening to all this wildly abstract liberal speeches for the cartoon figures. In reality, Most cartoons are now trying to subconsciously brain wash children into the liberal ways.

Back in the 1980's there used to be a commercial for some religious open air broadcasted channel in Saint Louis area. It featured children sitting in front of the television set starring like zombies. Then a man walked in dressed like the trash man, and opened the top of the television set and dumped in trash from an old trash can. Then closed the top lid of the television.