Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Rahm Emanuel The International Traitor

Americans who once cherished citizenship no longer seem to care that millions of their fellow citizens have sworn allegiance to foreign nations. Consider, Stanley Renshon notes, how far dual loyalty has now gone:

Rahm Emanuel, a U.S. congressman, went to Israel at the time of America's Gulf War against Iraq-to join the Israeli army.

Patrick J. Buchanan, State Of Emergency p.262.

Steven Spielberg is the new kike king of CBS

Last night some old ex-head of CBS died at the ripe age of 98. I'm not sure if the old man died, because he knew what tonights CBS awards episode was about.

Tonight on CBS television channel, they had a celebrity awards ceremony at the Kennedy Center. Towards the end around 9:30 it became a big Kike ordeal. They put the hollocaust crap in the viewers face. Like oh we should kiss all the Kike asses, because of their hardships. First they presented Steven Spielberg with a rainbow faggot award around his neck. Even though President Bush and the First Lady were in attendance, the orchestrator(Horowitz?)of the show began to repeatedly have the camera crew focus the cameras in on Spielberg like he is the Kike King. He would stand and wave and kiss his hands like he is a king. They only showed footage of the President maybe twice. If I was the President, I would have been very pissed off. The last ten minutes of this show was all about Spielberg, like President Bush is some under paid grunt. It's to bad Spielberg did'nt slip and fall off the balcony onto a German American wearing a spear top helmet.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Salute Veterans

I salute all veterans of the United State of America military. Regardless of the actions and role they took, all veterans stood up for our national policy. Their actions most importantly allowed the First and Second Amendments to continue to reign unobstructed. Without the power of our veteran’s actions, we would not still be a country proud of the original principles that our founding fathers developed for American freedom.

Thursday, November 09, 2006

The Grand Ole Slavery Party Rallies

So the slavery party, or now the immigrant slavery party, does it again. I guess all the minorities and liberals like having the big brother/nanny style of government to keep them contempt in perpetual ghetto slavery? Provided by of course raising taxes so all contemporary slaves can acquire the benefitual governmental perks. When the Democratic Party controls government, the government becomes the modern equivalent of the slave master from times past.

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

American First Party

I have listed a few principles of the American First Party.

Legal Immigration

While we cherish and honor America's proud immigrant history, we must recognize that our nation is no longer an unsettled frontier. Immigration has escalated to over one million each year to the highest level in American history.

Because of immigration the Census Bureau projects that U.S. population will exceed 400 million by 2050. A population that big is certain to result in vast increases in traffic congestion, overcrowded schools, urban sprawl, pressure on energy and water resources, and dwindling wilderness and wildlife areas. It will degrade or destroy our American quality of life. Therefore, the America First Party supports:

1. A temporary ban or "time out" on all immigration, except for spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens, for a period of ten years, thereafter restoring America's traditional level of legal immigration at a limit of 250,000 per year.
2. Barring the importation of temporary foreign workers that always reduce the wages, working conditions, and incomes of American workers.
3. Reforming the visa preference system to give priority to reuniting nuclear family members such as spouses and minor children, and ending the chain migration of extended family relatives.
4. A national campaign to assimilate new immigrants by teaching them the English language and encouraging them to learn about American history, government, and civic culture.
5. Re-implementation and enforcement of immigration sponsorship policy or proof of financial viability.

Assimilation and Cultural Identity

The America First Party supports passage of legislation designating English as the official language of the United States. The United States shall, in all instances, restrict itself to the English language. Citizenship shall not be granted to anyone that is not at least marginally proficient in speaking, reading and understanding the English language, the U.S. Constitution and our national history.

Constitutional Use of the Military

The America First Party seeks to restore the sole right of Congress to declare war. The United States military will only be used to protect U.S. citizens, U.S. property and U.S. border integrity. Our troops will not participate under foreign leadership for any reason at any time. The United States military is only to be used when the United States and its people are under, or anticipated to be under, direct threat of invasion or aerial attack. If the United States or our property or borders are attacked or violated, the military shall be given license to seek out and destroy the enemy.

We oppose the use of the military against the America people. We also oppose efforts to repeal the protections of Posse Comitatus under the auspices of Homeland Security.

The Kosher Food Racket

Comrades, today I would like to detail ONE aspect of the JEWISH PROBLEM facing every American - White or otherwise. Its called THE KOSHER FOOD RACKET.

The Kosher Food Tax is the biggest consumer fraud existing in America today. Examine every item in your cupboards for either the (U) or (K) symbol on the label. These symbols represent a jewish "blessing" and when these small symbols are detected, it means that YOU have unwittingly PAID a TAX to a jewish religious group!

They will not always be on the front of the package, they may be hidden amid the small print near the label's seam. This cryptic code has to do with a hebrew "secret", a HEIST - which illuminates the jews POWER in America. The circled (U), sometimes the word "Parve", stands for Union of Orthodox Jews (UOJCA), the (K) stands for "kosher" (KOV K). Both will not be found on the same package.

These symbols mean that the products producer PAID the JEWS a kind of "TAX", to have some RABBI "bless it"! DON'T confuse these letters with the letter "R"...which stands for registered trademark or the letter "C"...which stands for copyright. These two letters will probably be there too. You have now discovered what the jews call "hechsers", a RIP-OFF found on most grocery items.

In 1959, the Wall Street Journal estimated that this massive jewish pay-off at around $20 million! That is almost 50 years ago. Since that time, the jewish owned Wall Street Journal has remarkably remained SILENT on this matter! LOL The payola is thought to be in the HUNDREDS of MILLIONS today. The Jewish Post of July 30, 1976 reported that Rabbi Sentor admitted that "Kov K" was a "profit making concern".

The UOJCA extracts exactly the same levy as Kov K, and in exactly the same manner. Jews, of course, defend these "blessings" in any way they can, but what this rip-off REALLY boils down to for the White/Gentile...is LEGALIZED EXTORTION. After all, the jews represent but 3% of the population. It is NOT an option for the Gentile to have this tax removed from the products HE buys, or have the little jewish letters erased. He HAS to PAY this TAX to the JEWS - whether he WANTS to or NOT!

Now Comrades, IF this was nothing more than a bizarre "religious" ceremony, giving rabbinical approval to food and food products prepared in a specific way to meet an unusual diet...then WHY are STEEL WOOL and UTENSILS also included? These JEWS have a STRANGE "diet" indeed! LOL George Lincoln Rockwell reported finding ANTI-FREEZE with a "HECHSER" as well!

IF these "blessings" are so important to JEWS - WHY DO THEY CHARGE FOR THEM? You
would think that they would be more than happy to give this service for FREE - for the benefit of THEIR OWN people - and perhaps even be willing to PAY SOMETHING to the food producers for providing this KOSHER identification. Instead, it�s the REVERSE - COMPANIES HAVE TO PAY TO HAVE THE KOSHER IDENTIFICATION!

Since the jews represent such a small percentage of America's population, why is it that they place MOST of the PAYMENT BURDEN of this "tax"...on the shoulders of the NON-jewish population? Why have the Gentile consumers been so silent for so long about this never-ending, perennial EXTORTION by the JEWS? And since this burden comes off as a "TAX"...don't the Gentiles have a RIGHT to KNOW where and how this money is collected and spent? How on earth do the JEWS get away with this daylight ROBBERY?

The answer is that the jewish blessing agencies wield ENORMOUS POWER through their domination of the RETAIL and DISTRIBUTION trades...and the JEWS CONTROL America's
MASS MEDIA! Non-compliance by a food producer would quickly bring about a jewish
"BOYCOTT" - along with a MISREPRESENTATION campaign - against the product. Whammo! BANKRUPTCY!

Here is HOW this clever scheme works - A Rabbi will approach a company and warn the owners that unless their product is certified "Kosher"...they will face a boycott by every jew in America. Once they succumb to this blackmail, they are required to keep the total amount paid the Rabbi every year a SECRET! The growth of this Kosher Food Racket has been nothing less than phenomenal. In 1960, only 225 food products paid the Kosher Tax. By 1966, this figure grew to 476 and jumped to 1000 by 1974! Today, a whopping almost 18,000 companies have been corralled into paying this multi-level tax - WHICH IS THEN PASSED ON TO YOU.

The Union of Orthodox Rabbi's which issues the (U) symbol, controls 80% of the kosher certification business. They employ around 300 Rabbi's who travel coast-to-coast "inspecting" food processing plants. First, the company must PAY an annual fee for the use of the copy-right symbol- the (U) or the (K) or a version thereof. Second, the company must PAY a separate heavy fee each time a Rabbi shows up to "inspect" them. Certain producers, like meat packing plants have been required to hire full-time Rabbi's at HUGE salaries! Third, the company must PAY these fee's over and OVER again, for each different product they make. SUCH a DEAL! LOL

Thus, one company that makes numerous different items...pays DOZENS of seperate FEES
- which are passed on to YOU. Do you really think that the Judeo-Capitalists are going to simply "eat it"? Oh Yeah! LOL As well, each sub-contracting company which provides any type of ingredient that goes into the finished product - also, must PAY a seperate fee to the "visiting rabbi's". Sometimes a single product may eventually be taxed as many as a dozen times right down the line...before it reaches, you the consumer.

Last, but NOT least - these fees must be paid yearly - and they are INCREASED each year. Can you imagine the "Catholic Church", or the "Muslims" getting away with this?! But, then again - just ANOTHER instance of the POWER of organized JEWRY in America! So the next time that YOU - the White Lady of the House - goes shopping, with a list that each week she has to knock off this item or that - because she simply cannot afford the BILL anymore...REMEMBER, just WHO is helping to make that cost rise a little higher every time that you shop for your family.

NOW - IF the JEWS can control THIS facet of YOUR LIFE - without YOU being AWARE of
it...don't you think it might just benefit YOU a wee bit...to go to the Rockwell section of our website, and download that free book "White Power" and READ it for YOURSELF? I can assure you that there are a LOT of other items about the JEWS that will amaze you as well. You may receive an ANP Info Pack which contains a number of interesting and enlightening booklets as well, for a $5 donation. After KNOWING the FACTS - I cannot imagine anyone not - GETTING INVOLVED.

For White Worker Power!
Rocky J. Suhayda, Chairman


Mayor Daley of Chicago has a $1,000 per meal corn beef get together at Manny's. Could that be kosher corn beef? My grandma once said, “True Irish never eat corn beef.” Tonight a Chicago NBC news reporter said, "Anybody that plans to run against Mayor Daley needs to have a Swiss bank account.

Isn’t that strange, I guess that Swiss bank accounts and kosher food go hand in hand for Chicago politicians. Daley you have lost true Chicago eating values. Isn’t there a remaining corner grocery store around the old stockyards area that you could have had your little scandalous meal party at? Instead your decided to have voters pay the kosher tax.

The Symbol Of Democrats

News just in from Representative Rahm Emanuel's secretary.

November 8, 2006 Chicago, IL
Chief Democrat Rahm Emanuel(Father is an Israeli born Jew) declares that his 5th U.S. Illinois Congressional district is officially the new international colony for Zionist Israel. Congressman Emanuel has appointed legions of Jewish children on donkeys that will be patrolling the streets collecting new taxes for building the world's smallest synagogue. All Islamic terrorists that wish to become Jewish bodyguards are supposed contact Rahm Emanuel's offices immediately for private hire. Congressman Emanuel also issued a statement that starting January 3, 2007 at 6:00 P.M., curfews will be imposed for all people of non-Jewish descent that reside in the 5th district.

November 8, 2006 DuPage County, IL.
It is reported that people of Germanic descent are volunteering to have a January 3, 2007 6:01 P.M. firearm duels in all local parks with all practicing or non-practicing Jews. Stormtroopers are reported to be consolidating at all compounds in the general locality of Rahm Emanuel's Congressional offices.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Democrat Anti-Gun Legislation Looming Over Cook County, Illinois!

Friday, October 27, 2006

When Cook County voters go to the polls this Election Day, November 7, they will be faced with the opportunity to vote on Countywide Advisory Referendum 1, a non-binding referendum that seeks to urge the State of Illinois to ban countless semi-automatic rifles, shotguns, and handguns, as well as all .50 caliber rifles.

The Cook County Board could just as easily have given the voters of Cook County an opportunity to voice their support for any number of proven crime-fighting measures, but certain anti-gun extremists on the Board have chosen to promote a statewide version of the federal gun ban that was such a complete failure in combating violent crime that Congress allowed it to expire two years ago.

Targeting law-abiding gun owners instead, the referendum uses buzzwords and phrases (“For the health and safety of children...”) that could have been lifted directly from the websites of gun-ban extremists such as the Brady Campaign, which has endorsed the proposal. Joining the Brady Bunch in support of the referendum at a September event were several anti-gun politicians, including Cook County Commissioners Larry Suffredin (D-13) and John Daley (D-11); State Senator Antonio Munoz (D-1); State Representatives Edward Acevedo (D-2) and Esther Golar (D-6); and Alderman Todd Stroger (D-8).

NRA opposes passage of Countywide Advisory Referendum 1, urges its members in Cook County to vote against it, and to spread the word to oppose this effort to prohibit the law-abiding citizens of Illinois from possessing firearms commonly used for personal protection, hunting, and sporting purposes.

Article courtesy of National Rifle Association

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Immigrant Housing Law

Immigrants are not justified at being legally permitted to seek residence in the vast spectrum among the citizen populace. The United States of America shall initiate a new housing policy for all immigrants. Whether immigrants are here on visa, green card, or illegal, all immigrants should only be permitted for residency at a federally registered hotel. These hotels should be appointed adjacently to law enforcement compounds. Thus a new hotel housing boom would develop. Special immigrant taxes could be imposed to these hotels, and citizens will finally have a head tax on all immigrants.
All immigrants would effectively be housed in privatively government mandated housing, similar to public housing projects, except through commercial hotels. If the immigrants do not oblige, then they shall be imprisoned for deportation. If citizens are caught harboring immigrants on their private property without a proper permit, then their private property shall be declared property of the state, until cleared in the court of law. All state and federal nature reserves that permit camping, shall be for citizens only. Such housing laws like this will dramatically increase the cost of housing for all immigrants, which would begin to curb rapid immigration.

Friday, November 03, 2006

The Royal Manifest Destiny

The Royal Manifest Destiny

Way out west is where the White Anglo Saxon Protestant landed. As the wasps ventured westward the land was filled with farms and ranches. From sea to shinning sea, the wasp made his mark upon the land.

Westward is where the Native American moved. Establishing farms and ranches, and stocking the cache of weaponry. The ghosts of natives silently stir in nature.

Soon Immigrants began arriving to attempt filling the Eastern void. Unfortunately the immigrants were all pushed into the cities like giant ghettos. As time proceeded, the spread of the world wide immigration base increased.

The African Americans began to make their spread northward and westward, but ended up confronted in the ghettos with the riff raff immigrants. The black men had to establish gangs to compete for the jobs and neighborhoods of the ghetto.

On Eastward is where the Native American marches to stomp out the immigrants. Western Winter homes and Eastern Summer homes is the mode of living. Southward is where the black men marches to stomp out the immigrants. Holding the farmland is where the white men should remain, because the farmland is the American basis for the English language. Eastward is where the white knights of farmers will march to repress and deport the riff raff world immigrants. The bulls on parade without a doubt will be the Hispanics. Holding their La Reconquista firmly from world immigrants. Hispancis flanking all three Americans on the left and right, as we march to retake our lost nobility.

The three original peoples shall regain their lost nobility. All three unite for the mass movement of this common cause for establishing this complete American dominance like a true American Iron Fist! White America will finally become a true land of Nobles and Prince's. Those with the true American ancestry and display an iron fist will ascend to royalty.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Illinois Proposition 187

Illinois Proposition 187:
You can only vote if you grandparents voted, and no homosexuals are allowed to vote or run for political office.

About John Kerry (aka Kike Propaganda Inc)

Just shout your big fat Jew mouth. Slant eyed Kike. "Both his (Kerry) paternal grandparents were Jewish and his real name is Kohn." (P.53 Coulter) See Kikes change their last names. Kohn is a spelling change from Cohen the biggest Kike name around. Kerry the soldiers will be back and they will start smashing windows in your Kike relative’s houses.

Kerry stick your education importance claim up your ass. Kerry supports all illegal aliens to attend public schools. There is a school building on every tenth city block nation wide. In reality, one out of every ten school buildings should be transferred into a National Guard post. We need more National Guard soldiers, than we need people in school.

Monday, October 30, 2006

American Night Of Broken Glass/American Kristallnacht

In Chicago, at the corner of Kedzie Street and North Ave is an Illinois National Guard post. Due North on about 4000 block of Kedzie, foreign businesses begin to litter the scene. The first to see are Mexican businesses, and then appear countless Arab businesses with there Arabic alphabet posted on their signs. Police cars drive with there lights on up and down the alleys. Why has the government turned a blind eye on this international occupation? Politicians are bought off and try to be so morally correct that international foreigners are raiding the heart of America.

Illinois is in dire need of a night of broken glass. Get the sledge hammers out and smash their windows for a night of broken glass! If the American populace can't rely on the National Guard and other military to do justice against international occupation of our major streets, then a modern militia needs to be established to run them out. To the dismay of all liberals and cowards, I will rise in the ranks of the military with an Iron Fist and cleanse the international trash in the heartland.

Democrats will never flush them all out! Democrats turn a blind eye while we are losing our American identity. Democrats are the reason this international onslaught has been occurred during the 20 Century, and because of the Democratic Party’s crimes, the 21 Century is the century for the demise of the Democratic party. The party that should challenge the Democrats is the American Nazi Party.



Chicago Police Shootout on Kedzie Street, three suspects shoot.

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Nationalism On The Rise!

It appears Mayor Daley of Chicago and Governor of Illinois are still allowing foreign cab drivers take over the streets. What is next for hob for all these cab drivers, Air line pilots? Think about you Democratic shit bags. I still believe there are far more foreign born cab drivers on the street than the Chicago police.

Would it be legitimate for Chicago cops to start openly executing foreigners in Chicago alleys? If our soldiers ever return for international campaigns, then it will be a very powerful force to deal with if all the level of law enforcement and the military begin rounding up illegal’s. Let the real Halloween begin. Nights of windows being broken will approach. I've eye witnessed enough strange international people running businesses in Chicago for a nationalism revolution to occur. Fuck having our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan, let’s bring them all here to Chicago for stomping on the foreigners. It will be a sad sad story for all the immigrants that have arrived to the U.S. when our GI's start rounding up and deporting all foreigners. It will be a revolution.

September 11, 2001 caused a nationalism revolution. If Franklin D. Roosevelt stayed President for as many terms as he did, then so should President Bush. In fact, I hope and pray that Bush is the first President to try to out muscle the Congress and the Constitution to get elected for two extra times. Eight More Years!

A law should be passed that would only allow all these foreign cab drivers to wheel around by pedal like in India. It certainly would humiliate these foreign born cab drivers, and they would have second thought of being a cab driver in America. I'm sorry but these foreigners are the worst drivers I have ever eye witnessed.

A federal Congressional law should be passed prohibiting any person elected to any local, state or federal office that is not naturally born in the U.S. We need to stop the international colonization of our political process.

Forest fires being deliberately started, levees in Louisiana being broken, Food being poisoned, these are the methods the terrorists have evolved too.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Barack Obama + Run For President = Obama Head On Silver Plate

Obama and all his fanatical son of an immigrant speechs will go down in history as just another son of a foreigner trying to suck up; the resources, the power, the land, the glory of Native Americans. Even the pigs of Native Americans will put Obama's head on a plate. A native born Mexican illegal alien will be a more legitimate President candidate than Barack Obama.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

70,000 Annual International Refugees

Oct 11, 2006
Bush declared the figure in a memo to the secretary of state, as he does each year after consulting with Congress as required by law. Bush has set the figure at 70,000 each time.

The United States admitted 69,304 refugees in 2001 but suspended admissions briefly after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Admissions dropped to 27,029 in 2002 as the government intensified screening of refugees. Admissions crept up to 53,813 in the 2005 fiscal year, then dropped to 41,500 in fiscal year 2006.

The president laid out maximum numbers to be accepted from each region of the globe:

• 22,000 from Africa.

• 11,000 from East Asia.

• 6,500 from Europe and Central Asia.

• 5,500 from the Near East and South Asia.

• 5,000 from Latin America and the Caribbean.

The remaining 20,000 can be allocated by the State Department to various regions as the need arises.

AP, www.yahoo.com

My Arguement:

We should be deporting about 1,700,000 alien born people annually. The only way is boots and braces.

20,000 Africans? The U.S. needs to enforce disease screening for HIV/AIDS before any future entry. During this decade the HIV/AIDS rate will be approaching 1% of the population in states like New York, California, and Illinois. HIV/AIDS is going to cause future American concentration camps. Stockade them just like World War II concentration camps.

Trash, Trash, Trash. World we don't need your broke, disease infested, and uneducated trash ever again. The reign of world colonization of America is going to rapidly end, a lot faster than it took to accomplish. John Hancock's vision is being reenvisioned. This whole blog will eventually stand as mighty as the Chicago Hancock Center. "Everybody will know about this from the Queen of England to the House of Hell." The White Stripes.

I call on all our soldiers to be removed from all the international nations. To be stationed here in our homeland, and Congress will issue a military draft to expand our military. Then the deportation of the illegal trash that leaked in the United States of America will begin. Yes eventually the drain plug will be pulled by a couregous unfaulting leader. It's all a matter of time. Democrats should never again ever control any level of government.

Who's your hero? I'll be your hero.
I'm the real American strategist. If Chicago is the United States version of Berlin during the pre World War II era, then I am your leader.

The American colonization of the world through military means is ending and nationalism is rising. On the contrary, we will not be in Iraq until 2010, but in 2010 all our soldiers abroad will be stationed right here on your neighborhood corner on U.S. federal soil. The military general that believes we should be in Iraq until 2010 will be disposed.

The politicians can hear me coming. They all know my words, yet they fear to set public ties with me, and so I am on the long road to being a true American Independent leader. As I walk in the valley of death, I fear nobody because I am the meanest son of gun that walks the valley of death.

October 13,2006

On October 12, President Bush (The Leader) suddenly arrives in Chicago for a fundraiser, and to support of the Speaker of House Dennis Hastert. About the same time that Bush arrived, the Democratic Governor Bagoshit's top advisor who is foreign born Syrian, is indicted for serious pocket lining charges. God bless Patrick Fitzgerald! May there be a pot of gold waiting for you. Not to mention that Mayor Daley gives some blushing and huffy speech the day I arrive back to Chicago. During the weekend nights, there are always these really fancy limo's sitting outside my residence.

Is there any correlation to my publications?

Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Grand List of Congressional Traitors

This list is of the congressmen that voted against erecting a border security fence, this is more formally known as the Secure Fence Act of 2006.

For all reasonable assumptions these are liberals that could be; born of strange foreign races, feminist, mentally incompetent, or potential black panthers, etc. These liberal Democrats argued against this act for is cost, before ever slashing welfare.

Former Congressman Foley is not listed in the below group of traitors.
Mr. Foley had more security intelligence than these traitors listed below.

The following Congressmen have slipped into an unstable political future. This little essay will help put the spot light these elected traitors. They are all destined to be systematically expelled from politics through the sheer might of the great American nationalism that is steadily on the rise.

Traitor Donald E. 'Don' YoungRepublicanN

Traitor Victor F. 'Vic' SnyderDemocratN

Traitor Ed PastorDemocratN
Traitor Raúl M. GrijalvaDemocratN
Traitor James T. 'Jim' KolbeRepublicanN

Traitor C. Michael 'Mike' ThompsonDemocratN
Traitor Doris K. MatsuiDemocratN
Traitor Lynn C. WoolseyDemocratN
Traitor George MillerDemocratN
Traitor Nancy PelosiDemocratN
Traitor Barbara J. LeeDemocratN
Traitor Ellen O. TauscherDemocratN
Traitor Tom LantosDemocratN
Traitor Fortney H. 'Pete' StarkDemocratN
Traitor Anna G. EshooDemocratN
Traitor Michael M. 'Mike' HondaDemocratN
Traitor Zoe LofgrenDemocratN
Traitor Sam FarrDemocratN
Traitor Lois CappsDemocratN
Traitor Brad J. ShermanDemocratN
Traitor Howard L. BermanDemocratN
Traitor Adam B. SchiffDemocratN
Traitor Henry A. WaxmanDemocratN
Traitor Xavier BecerraDemocratN
Traitor Hilda L. SolisDemocratN
Diane E. WatsonDemocratN
Lucille Roybal-AllardDemocratN
Maxine WatersDemocratN
Jane HarmanDemocratN

Traitor Juanita Millender-McDonaldDemocratN
Traitor Grace Flores NapolitanoDemocratN
Traitor Linda T. SánchezDemocratN
Traitor Joe BacaDemocratN
Traitor Loretta L. SanchezDemocratN
Bob FilnerDemocratN
Susan A. DavisDemocratN

Traitor Diana L. DeGetteDemocratN
Trairo Mark E. UdallDemocratN
Traitor John T. SalazarDemocratN

John B. LarsonDemocratN
Traitor Rosa L. DeLauroDemocratN

Kendrick B. MeekDemocratN
Traitor Ileana Ros-LehtinenRepublicanN
Traitor Debbie Wasserman SchultzDemocratN
Traitor Lincoln Diaz-BalartRepublicanN
Traitor Alcee L. HastingsDemocratN
Traitor Mario Diaz-BalartRepublicanN

Cynthia Ann McKinneyDemocratN
Traitor John R. LewisDemocratN

Traitor David ScottDemocratN

Neil AbercrombieDemocratN

Traitor Bobby L. RushDemocratN
Traitor Jesse Louis JacksonDemocratN
Traitor Luis V. GutierrezDemocratN
Traitor Rahm EmanuelDemocratN
Traitor Danny K. DavisDemocratN
Traitor Janice D. 'Jan' SchakowskyDemocratN

Traitor Peter J. ViscloskyDemocratN
Julia M. CarsonDemocratN

William J. JeffersonDemocratN

John W. OlverDemocratN
Richard E. NealDemocratN
James P. 'Jim' McGovernDemocratN

Martin T. 'Marty' MeehanDemocratN
John F. TierneyDemocratN
Edward J. 'Ed' MarkeyDemocratN

Benjamin L. CardinDemocratN
Albert R. WynnDemocratN
Steny H. HoyerDemocratN
Elijah E. CummingsDemocratN

Christopher 'Chris' Van HollenDemocratN

Thomas H. AllenDemocratN
Michael H. MichaudDemocratN

Traitor Sander M. LevinDemocratN
Carolyn Cheeks KilpatrickDemocratN
John ConyersDemocratN
John D. DingellDemocratN

Betty McCollumDemocrat/Farmer/LaborN
Martin Olav SaboDemocrat/Farmer/LaborN
James L. OberstarDemocrat/Farmer/LaborN

William Lacy ClayDemocratN
John Russell 'Russ' CarnahanDemocratN

Bennie G. ThompsonDemocratN

George K. 'G.K.' ButterfieldDemocratN
Traitor David Eugene PriceDemocratN
Melvin Luther 'Mel' WattDemocratN

Frank J. PalloneDemocratN
Traitor Steven R. RothmanDemocratN
Donald M. PayneDemocratN
Rush D. HoltDemocratN

Tom S. UdallDemocratN

Traitor Gary L. AckermanDemocratN
Gregory W. MeeksDemocratN
Joseph CrowleyDemocratN
Jerrold L. NadlerDemocratN
Edolphus 'Ed' TownsDemocratN
Major R. OwensDemocratN
Traitor Nydia M. VelázquezDemocratN
Traitor Charles B. 'Charlie' RangelDemocratN
Traitor José E. SerranoDemocratN
Eliot L. EngelDemocratN
Nita M. LoweyDemocratN
Michael R. McNultyDemocratN
Maurice D. HincheyDemocratN
Brian M. HigginsDemocratN
Louise McIntosh SlaughterDemocratN

Traitor Dennis J. KucinichDemocratN
Stephanie Tubbs JonesDemocratN

Traitor David WuDemocratN
Taitor Earl BlumenauerDemocratN

Robert A. 'Bob' BradyDemocratN
Traitor Chaka FattahDemocratN
Traitor John P. 'Jack' MurthaDemocratN
Traitor Allyson Y. SchwartzDemocratN
Michael F. 'Mike' DoyleDemocratN

Patrick Joseph KennedyDemocratN
James R. 'Jim' LangevinDemocratN

James E. 'Jim' ClyburnDemocratN

Traitor Al GreenDemocratN
K. Michael 'Mike' ConawayRepublicanN
Traitor Rubén E. HinojosaDemocratN
Traitor Silvestre ReyesDemocratN
Traitor Sheila Jackson LeeDemocratN
Traitor Charles A. 'Charlie' GonzalezDemocratN
Lloyd A. DoggettDemocratN
Traitor Solomon P. OrtizDemocratN
Henry CuellarDemocratN
Raymond Eugene 'Gene' GreenDemocratN
Eddie Bernice JohnsonDemocratN

Robert C. 'Bobby' ScottDemocratN
James Randy ForbesRepublicanNV
Traitor Bernard 'Bernie' SandersIndependentN

Jay InsleeDemocratN
Rick LarsenDemocratN
Traitor Norman D. 'Norm' DicksDemocratN
James A. 'Jim' McDermottDemocratN

Tammy BaldwinDemocratN
Gwendolynne S. 'Gwen' MooreDemocratN
Traitor David Ross ObeyDemocratN

All Listed Are Fucking Liberal Traitors!

Minutemen Put The Fancy Gloves On, And Get The Guillotines Greased For Action!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

All Democrats Must Resign Before Hastert

In no way should the Speaker of House be responsible for the actions of former Congressman Foley. In no way is Hastert or any other Congressman supposed to babysit another elected federal official outside of the chamber. The folks that think Hastert should resign are as guilty of taking a future bribe as the video tape of Congressman Murtha. In no way should a single elected Republican resign due to Mr. Foley.

Apparently other Congressman like Shimkus tried to reprimand Foley. Thats about as far as another Congressman must go, its up to the FBI and law enforcement to follow up on Foley's actions. So clearly Shimkus is not to blaim, it is the fault of the FBI.

My opinion is that this is all Democrat mud slinging. The media has to pound the point that Foley is a Republican. This is a personal problem with Foley, not something to do with the Republican party. In fact the Republican Party should'nt even be talked about, it should just be a printed display like this, "Foley(R")listed on the television screen, while the media fools rant and rave like liberals. Unfortunetely the liberals have to act like children and strongly associate Foley with the Republicans.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Stick the Internet Hiring Process Where The Sun Does'nt Shine

I blame the liberals for all the hoops people have to jump through for any new government work. We have 13 million illegal immigrants, yet the government wants you to sign up for a hiring website usajobs.com that is riddled with errors, reveal all your private information online. The government needs to realize that the hiring through the internet is liberal puke. It needs to be as simple as make one phone call, or show up to the post office. Then get a free ride to an Immigration and Customs Enforcement office or whatever is your liking, sign you name, and then get a gun and badge and ship out to the border. But No, thanks to the liberals the government wants you the good citizen, to jump through hoops like a poodle, while disease infested foreigners arrive every second.

All these illegal immigrants side with the Democrats. The final solution is to liquidify the Democrats through hatred and increasing violence. The Republicans will continue to dominant all the levels of politics through sheer power of bone, brain, and cock.

Friday, September 29, 2006

American Principals with Firearms

Ten years ago when school shootings suddenly became more common. I thought of the idea that some public high school principals with approval from higher political structure, should be permitted to have one firearm issued by the state.


Commercial airplane pilots are now able to carry firearms inside of airplanes. This is a general added risk of adult voting citizens that fly in all airplanes. A pilot in the maximum number potentially commands the same number of people as a small grade school. A high school principal commands the same number of people that would fit in ten jumbo jets, but principals can't have this same privilege. It seems much more logical for a principal to have this same privilege . Especially because a principal commands minors, which could be wards of the state in some circumstances. Certain school principals with the proper background clearance should be able to obtain a firearm for emergency use.

In the 1800's, A principal most certainly had the right to brandish a firearms inside their office, especially in a rural Western school house. The liberals of the 1900's have undoubtably made this right illegal. Imagine if principal’s could start having a state issued nonfunctioning display firearm hanging up high on a wall in their offices. For a student to view the firearm would put most all students in line. The display firearm would be a sign that the principal has been issued a real firearm. Like how some cities have decommissioned nonfunctioning military tanks stationed outside of the local American Legions. The functioning firearm must be locked up in a safe for emergency protection of his flock of students from a psychotic perpetrator of a school shooting.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

"Jesus Blessed Me With Its Future, and I Protect It With Fire."

Through the centuries of establishment in the America's the Roman Catholic Church is much more powerful than anytime during the pre-medieval and medieval period. The Roman Catholic Church is so cash strapped it has the potential to influence European Nations to march into Istanbul and sack it until its Constantinople. For the Roman Catholic Church all that stands in the way is an alliance with the Greek Orthodox Church. Seeing all the violence and mayhem of Muslims, it is at the point that Pope Benedict could lawfully offend Muslims every day of his term as Pontiff and still be seen as legitimate through the eyes of the righteous.
It was the Muslim's worst mistake to engage in the terrorist acts of September 11, 2001, now we have President George "The Lion heart" Bush, and a Pope with the spirit of the crusades.

Cash Strapped Crusaders

Pope Benedict, Emperor Paleologos, Count Vlad Go Hand in Hand

The pope quoted from a book recounting a conversation between 14th-century Byzantine Christian Emperor Manuel Paleologos II and a Persian scholar on the truths of Christianity and Islam.

"The emperor comes to speak about the issue of jihad, holy war," Benedict said. "He said, I quote, 'Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new, and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached.'"

Wow and the Muslims get to the verge of anarchy over a review of an historical writing from an emperor.

Hate to know what Muslims would have done if Benedict would have talked about Vlad the Impaler, Vlad the Prince of Wallachia, or better known as Count Dracula. He was a count in modern day Romania, and he was reported to have impaled Muslim skulls on stakes throughout that region. Perhaps Vlad was influenced by Emperor Manuel Paleologos II's writings.

I was taught that Muslims will hold people hostage at gun point in a room and force everybody to convert to their religion.


Border Fence Is A Start


2d Session

H. R. 6061


To establish operational control over the international land and maritime borders of the United States.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the `Secure Fence Act of 2006'.


(a) In General- Not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this Act , the Secretary of Homeland Security shall take all actions the Secretary determines necessary and appropriate to achieve and maintain operational control over the entire international land and maritime borders of the United States, to include the following--

(1) systematic surveillance of the international land and maritime borders of the United States through more effective use of personnel and technology, such as unmanned aerial vehicles, ground-based sensors, satellites, radar coverage, and cameras; and

(2) physical infrastructure enhancements to prevent unlawful entry by aliens into the United States and facilitate access to the international land and maritime borders by United States Customs and Border Protection, such as additional checkpoints, all weather access roads, and vehicle barriers.

(b) Operational Control Defined- In this section, the term `operational control' means the prevention of all unlawful entries into the United States, including entries by terrorists, other unlawful aliens, instruments of terrorism, narcotics, and other contraband.

(c) Report- Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to Congress a report on the progress made toward achieving and maintaining operational control over the entire international land and maritime borders of the United States in accordance with this section.


Section 102(b) of the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996 (Public Law 104-208; 8 U.S.C. 1103 note) is amended--

(1) in the subsection heading by striking `Near San Diego, California'; and

(2) by amending paragraph (1) to read as follows:


`(A) REINFORCED FENCING- In carrying out subsection (a), the Secretary of Homeland Security shall provide for least 2 layers of reinforced fencing, the installation of additional physical barriers, roads, lighting, cameras, and sensors--

`(i) extending from 10 miles west of the Tecate, California, port of entry to 10 miles east of the Tecate, California, port of entry;

`(ii) extending from 10 miles west of the Calexico, California, port of entry to 5 miles east of the Douglas, Arizona, port of entry;

`(iii) extending from 5 miles west of the Columbus, New Mexico, port of entry to 10 miles east of El Paso, Texas;

`(iv) extending from 5 miles northwest of the Del Rio, Texas, port of entry to 5 miles southeast of the Eagle Pass, Texas, port of entry; and

`(v) extending 15 miles northwest of the Laredo, Texas, port of entry to the Brownsville, Texas, port of entry.

`(B) PRIORITY AREAS- With respect to the border described--

`(i) in subparagraph (A)(ii), the Secretary shall ensure that an interlocking surveillance camera system is installed along such area by May 30, 2007, and that fence construction is completed by May 30, 2008; and

`(ii) in subparagraph (A)(v), the Secretary shall ensure that fence construction from 15 miles northwest of the Laredo, Texas, port of entry to 15 southeast of the Laredo, Texas, port of entry is completed by December 31, 2008.

`(C) EXCEPTION- If the topography of a specific area has an elevation grade that exceeds 10 percent, the Secretary may use other means to secure such area, including the use of surveillance and barrier tools.'.


(a) In General- The Secretary of Homeland Security shall conduct a study on the feasibility of a state of-the-art infrastructure security system along the northern international land and maritime border of the United States and shall include in the study--

(1) the necessity of implementing such a system;

(2) the feasibility of implementing such a system; and

(3) the economic impact implementing such a system will have along the northern border.

(b) Report- Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act , the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report that contains the results of the study conducted under subsection (a).


(a) Evaluation- Not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act , the Secretary of Homeland Security shall--

(1) evaluate the authority of personnel of United States Customs and Border Protection to stop vehicles that enter the United States illegally and refuse to stop when ordered to do so by such personnel, compare such Customs authority with the authority of the Coast Guard to stop vessels under section 637 of title 14, United States Code, and make an assessment as to whether such Customs authority should be expanded;

(2) review the equipment and technology available to United States Customs and Border Protection personnel to stop vehicles described in paragraph (1) and make an assessment as to whether or not better equipment or technology is available or should be developed; and

(3) evaluate the training provided to United States Customs and Border Protection personnel to stop vehicles described in paragraph (1).

(b) Report- Not later than 60 days after the date of the enactment of this Act , the Secretary of Homeland Security shall submit to the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate a report that contains the results of the evaluation conducted under subsection (a).

Passed the House of Representatives September 14, 2006.

Friday, September 15, 2006

131 Democrats Vote Against Border Security !

“It should concern the American people that 131 Democrats voted against creating this security fence along our southern border. They don’t want border security; instead they would rather jeopardize our national security and put Americans at risk.

House Republicans are consulting with the Senate on the best ways to get these items to the President. These measures will:

Provide more border patrol agents
Strengthen security through fencing and additional infrastructure
Make enforcement stricter at our borders
Enhance state and local law enforcement authority

The Democrat Party is done for. I'll never trust another Democrat. They have crossed the threshold and are sliding down a long slope of crime.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Piss On Amnesty

September 7, 2006

(Washington, DC) – Speaker of the House J. Dennis Hastert (R-IL) today made the following announcement regarding the House Republican commitment to pass a new legislative package that would help to secure America’s border:

“Border security is a top priority of House Republicans. Our border is a sieve. We’re at war, and we must act like it. Our chairmen who held hearings on border security and the Senate’s amnesty bill did a great job this summer talking to the experts and American citizens about how to solve this problem. After meeting with the Chairmen today, we agreed that we cannot support the Senate Reid-Kennedy amnesty bill. This Democrat immigration bill wouldn’t secure the border; it would erase it.”

“House Republicans believe that Congress has a unique opportunity to strengthen our borders. I have asked Policy Committee Chairman Adam Putnam to hold a forum next week where our Chairmen will present what they learned from their hearings and concrete steps to secure the border. We will take many of these recommendations and move quickly to pass border security legislation in the next few weeks. Congress cannot wait until next year to move on this issue. The American people expect us to tackle this problem and solve it.”


Monday, September 04, 2006

The English Brown Shirts

President Bush on August 15, 2006 was wearing the brown suit while he was on tour in a southern state. You know that's a symbolic message of the English brown shirts. American Counter Terrorism is the brown shirts business.

Patrick Buchanan's Book

Pat Buchanan believes there needs to be a mortitorium on immigration, enough said.
His book is called State Of Emergency, and it was just recently published.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Presidential Quote

President Theodore Roosevelt warned against immigrants when he said we must never let America become "a polyglot boardinghouse" for the world.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

The CIA chief

On May 26, 2006 the Air Force General Michael V. Hayden was sworn in as the CIA chief, and during the same morning gunshot noises rung out in a capitol building. It's the first time in decades a military general commanded the CIA. Of course the government contended that gunshot noises were from a pavement ground obstacle(speed bumps)in a basement parking garage that made the machine gun repeating sound. Must not be a better feeling than taking office and ordering a hit out. I know Hayden is an Irish surname. Just another Irishman ordering the firing of machine guns at an untrustworthy adversary. He, he, he.

When the bullet hits the truth

Absolutely hundreds of memories that I've seen American's held at gun point by masked Muslim fanatics, making absurd demands. It would be an interesting perspective if members of Ku Klux Klan kidnapped a couple of Muslim immigrants. The Klan then held them captive. American men dressed in the white masked Klan uniform holding double barrel shotguns to Muslims heads with a cross burning in the background. Then the Klan could make demands to all Muslims that they all begin to deport from the United States, or the captive Muslims will die at gunpoint. I'm surprised this scenario has not already occurred. September 11, 2006 would be a day for this to happen.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Congressman Jerry Costello

Notice to the public: "We would be far safer today if we took the 150,000 troops in Iraq and put them on our borders, airports and ports," U.S. Congressman Jerry Costello said.

Jerry Costello is known as conservative Democrat.

We need a President that understands American security, not Iraqi security. I see the future heading back to the old isolationist American era.

Senior Congressman Costello knows the solution, but why can't the media distribute this message? The media holds a deaf ear on major reproduction of Costello's fundamental statement of truth.

When the military is repositioned to our borders, airports, and ports, the enemy will become locked in a noose.

"Jerry B. Goode"

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Mel Gibson under attack

I support the actor Mel Gibson. The fact that media outlets are calling this the, "scandal of the year," only further proves that Jews are behind media. There is nothing involving scandal about what he said. It is called freedom of speech.

A real scandal is when President Clinton gave the Jew fugitive financier Mark Rich a pardon.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

MemphisTennessee Homeland Security Headquarters!

The best news of the month is that New York City lacked recent funding for Homeland Security. For one NYC is already a tossed salad of potential terrorists. Like I stated on a prior post, I predict the U.S. military will be marching in to New York City like when Crusaders marched to Judea to slaughter people that followed the Islamic & Jewish religions.

Why give money to a city already strapped with Jew money from people like the Liberal Republican Peter King. NYC is not the center of the U.S.! Memphis and Louisville should be recieving funding to boster homeland security defense because of their central location. Memphis and Louisville are a perfect distance away from Chicago & NYC. Hopefully this is the start of a central build up to expell foreigners from the center of the U.S. outwards like a modern march of Independence from foreigner invanders.

Washington D.C. already has the military as its base of headquarters. That should rule out additional homeland security funding for that city. Fucking cable television news bullshitters are so hooked to NYC welfare. I think NYC lost its status as an American city about fourty years ago. NYC is an international group of islands full of foreigners bent on breaking the rule of American law.

I'll visit New York City when they pass a city ordinance requiring residents to be natural born citizens. That would be the only way to sweep the city clean of foreign trash.

Maybe NYC will get expelled from soverignity status in the U.S., to become part of Germany, and then let the Nazi's rise up to solely invade New York City. It's a wonder the Nazi's did'nt invade the U.S., and the U.S. military would have folded back to let them clean up foreigners, just like how the Russians let the Nazi's march in to cleanse. Until the Nazi's knocked on Moscow's door. If that does'nt work than Memphis geting homeland security is the counter balance.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Does Lake Michigan have a Mercury pollution problem?

Last week I went to the Chicago Gold Coast beach. I was at the beach across from the pedestrian over pass near Fullerton Ave. It is early Spring, and the beach remains rarely used through the winter(compared to Summer). I noticed little scattered black rocks. I picked one up and examined it.

It was extremely light in weight and coal black. The pieces were about the size of a half dollar coin. The old story is that mercury contaminates water from coal burning exhaust emissions. So obviously mercury is naturally contained within coal. I looked very closely at these pieces and noticed tiny scattered specs of a mercury color on many of these little black rocks.

I collected over ten of these rocks. Today I noticed they City of Chicago had done there beach combing.

How could pieces of coal landed on the Gold Coast beach?

My first answer to the problem was that there is probably ships in some part of Lake Michigan that are transporting coal across Lake Michigan to coal burning power plants probably located in Indiana, or the Chicago vicinity. If they transport coal the same way that its transported on freight trains, then the top is uncovered, and coal pieces could be falling into the water of Lake Michigan.

That or the rate of coal burning from power plants is so powerful that small pieces of coal are being flung into mid air and are landing in Lake Michigan and washing ashore.

Since I am not a geologist or a chemical scientist these little rocks could be something else. They could have eroded from rocks elsewhere in the Great Lakes, and naturally washed ashore. Then again, There have been reports in the news of Lake Michigan having high mercury contamination.

Friday, March 31, 2006

Reaction to Immigration Debate

Last night the Hollywood strapped U.S. Senator John McCain was on MSNBC talking about immigration. He said something like this, " I don't know how we could gather up 11 million illegal aliens."

You nitwit it's called a War! John McCain was captured by the North Vietnamese and spent a long time as a POW. Ever since he got out of Vietnam, he is a hippy that can't figure out how to round up 11 million illegals. Because McCain is against detention, and therefore finds it, "unconstitutional", to round up illegals.

There was also another Senator yesterday that said, "We need to build a virtual fence", and he went on to say that it would be impossible to build a fence spanning our borders.

I mean this is a flabbergasted old man that thinks the use of the word virtual is hip or something. What a crock of shit. Is this "virtual" the way to save money, and it could break down during electricity outages. They act like the U.S. cannot afford to build a permanent wall spanning the entire distance of our two borders. In my lifetime if the U.S. Government hired me, I will single handedly build a real brick wall spanning the border. We should have built a solid wall back during World War II separating the U.S. from Mexico and Canada. Yet all the freeloaders are still too happy paying cheap wages to illegals.

The worst is having people like Senator Arlen Specter trying to run the whole Immigration policy. His parents aren't even natural born citizens. Gee lets just sit back and let the "Barrack Obama-Osama Bin Laden" and Arlen "Big Nosed Jew" Specter run the entire immigration show. Better yet, how about this solution for Senators not wanting to rounding up illegal aliens: Somebody ready a few English tight ropes for this ill witted Senators?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Television promotes:

Television constantly publishes these four basic topics every day.

Sex Crimes
Child Abuse

Oberweis's Loss

Even though Oberweis lost this past election for Governor. It was very close in results.

A man that will finally stand up to all this immigrant trash in Chicago, and declared to people in Southern Illinois, "If we as a government can track all of our animals (branding), why can't we track our terrorists? Why can't we track illegal aliens?" he asked.

He meant that the government is more in tune to branding livestock and knowledgeable about the livestock whereabouts than illegal aliens.

If it was up to me, there would be blood in Chicago streets up to my ankles from; Niggers, Kikes, Jewel Heads, Towel Heads and all other immigrants.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Judy Topinka's Social Skills Blunder

Judy Topinka(R) who is currently the Treasurer of the State of Illinois declared that the Republicans running against her in the primary, "are morons."

If she has even had decent social intellect, she would use the term moron to call somebody like the an stranger that drives an automobile poorly.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Televisions Trashy

Some basic reasons why television is trashy:

Nearly everything is rehearsed or scripted. The people that write the scripts don't even reveal their faces, its always turned over to the reporter who will face the embarrassment of saying liberal or biased comments. Even when television is live, the speakers always have little written speeches. Sports is the only thing that is spontaneous and real, but even the plays are planned in advance.

Television is all about people talking. Go ahead flip through every single channel on your set, and your bound to hear somebody trying to cram their ideas/opinions into your head. Television always shows human creations. Seeing a Forrest in the background is about the only thing on television that's natural. I wish there was a channel with a camera set up in the Rain Forrest, and all there was to view and hear was wild animals, plants and weather. Even if there was such a channel there would be some jack off trying to explain why the jaguar walked by.

The worst is hearing peoples opinions. Every channel you go to your bound to hear some opinion like, " this happens because..., or the only reason why..." It's also just a wee bit frustrating constantly seeing people faces on television. It's like television just consist of looking at models. Let alone all the sex and drugs and death. The worst habits and dilemmas are often discussed. Television constantly shows gruesome details.

Even worse is late night television constantly airing shows trying to get you to by their products. They have all these fantastic opinions of why their products is the best, etc. Why is it so great? They don't even mention what country these fabulous products are made in. How about all these prescription drug and over the counter drugs, or cleaning product commercials not telling the viewer an iota of what their products is made from. It's about time the FCC puts out a mandate for all these drug and cleaning companies to be forced to reveal the ingredients of their products in a little sub caption at the bottom of the screen.

How about all the multi cultural bullshit. Nearly every commercial features people with totally opposite races. Seeing that planned liberal racial harmony conspiracy is enough to get me to flip the channel. Perhaps there should be commercials like that only for big cities, and the rural and small towns could have commercials like when it used to be based on merit.

How about all these cartoon shows for children and adults. All the colors of the figures are multi colored trying to encourage what? The worst is listening to all this wildly abstract liberal speeches for the cartoon figures. In reality, Most cartoons are now trying to subconsciously brain wash children into the liberal ways.

Back in the 1980's there used to be a commercial for some religious open air broadcasted channel in Saint Louis area. It featured children sitting in front of the television set starring like zombies. Then a man walked in dressed like the trash man, and opened the top of the television set and dumped in trash from an old trash can. Then closed the top lid of the television.

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Top Ten Reasons Christianity Is Not Dead

Last night on the O'reilly factor there was a quack named Berlinski.
I heard her say, "Christianity is dead."

Why would such unfounded arguments even be uttered on national television? I beg to differ that on Ash Wednesday, Ms. Berlinski is bound to see somebody walking about with holy ashes on their foreheads. That is unless Ms. Berlinski is stuck worshipping the devil in a synagogue.

Top Ten Reasons Christianity Is Not Dead:

1. Pat Robertson is still on television.
2. The bible is still the number one selling book.
3. The Protestants and Catholics still fight in Ireland(probably bar fights now).
4. Every day unknown amounts of babies are baptized as Christians.
5. Every day and every second the holy rosary is being prayed outloud.
6. Everyday people get married at Christian church's.
7. Mardi Gras is still celebrated around the world, including New Orleans.
8. New Christian church's are always being built.
9. People still are commonly observed wearing crosses around their necks.
10. Catholic Cathedrals are not abandoned.

Ann Coulter

Can't understand why the media goes about talking that Hillary Clinton will run for President.

If that is the case, I challenge Ann Coulter to run against her.
Find out about Ann Coulter at anncoulter.org
Below is Ann Coulter's picture:

Friday, February 24, 2006

Arabs Need Not Apply

Last night Feb. 23, on MSNBC's Scarborough Country I listened to a few words from Pat Buchanan and Ann Coulter. Pat was talking about Arab's trying to manage our ports, and He said, "Arabs Need Not Apply."

Pat ran for President in 2000, and around that time he was on television talking about his wild days when he was younger. He said that he was once pulled over my a policeman. He got out of his car and ended up getting into a fist fight with the police officer.

Ann mentioned that right now we would be better off having Denmark manage our ports.

Watching the show I wondered why President Bush was in favor of the UAE deal. Hopefully this isn't a forced business bribe, because the Arab's might already have a lethal bomb in this country. Its a 6 billion dollar deal...

Sadly, These foreigners should be paying the U.S. 6 Billion to manage our ports. Besides the U.S. shouldn't have to pay people to manage our ports, that's why we have the longshoremen union. Similar how the Army Corps of Engineers operates river navigation and maintains water levee. The Marines Corps should start managing our ports. All the Marines would have to do is start a similar sector like the Corps of Engineers. Maybe it could be called Marines Corps of Port Management. American's would be very confident in security by having the Marines Corps managing our ports!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Bid Laden's Vow

So recently Osama Bin Laden vowed not to be taken alive. That's a typical anarchist comment from Bid Laden, but our President has you out numbered. We'll I remember something President Bush publicly said on television several years ago.

President Bush said something like this in an television interview relating directly to Osama Bin Laden,
" A long time ago there used to be a sign posted out west. It said,
Wanted Dead or Alive."

When our President says something like this, I can guarantee there will be an archeologist or military man that will someday find Bid Laden. Even if it takes decades and centuries we will still rob Bin Laden's bones from his grave even if he is buried under Mohammed in Mecca. Then they will smash his bones and use the powder as fertilizer for a corn field grown to produce ethanol.

Port Management in Crisis

The main point of this controversy is that the company based in the United Arab Emirates is a state owned company. Watch as the liberals try to block this fact. The company from Britain who previously managed the port system was not state owned.

I don't understand why President Bush is threatening to use line item veto on this issue. It makes me view him more involved in the mid eastern businesses than he should have been. The fact that this issue was largely unknown puts President Bush in an un-American spotlight, because of not openly disclosing this to the public. Times have changed. We don't even need a British company company controlling the port management.

If this deal goes through, I bet that the dock workers go on strike. The opposite of an Arab state running this management would be to offer the deal to a Native American Tribe. Then for the first time in history, American Indians could have alot more autority in controlling port management.

Cahokia Mounds

Last year I wrote a letter to the Governor of Illinois expressing my belief that Cahokia Mounds needs to be open seven days a week. I was written back by a top aid from the governor.

A couple weeks ago, I wrote a letter to the chief of the Peoria Tribe in Oklahoma. I explained the role the tribe needs to take at Cahokia Mounds.

Last week the State of Illinois secured about $ 900,000.00 for Cahokia Mounds to buy existing property around the current site. The State of Illinois also is planning to increase the number of days open to seven. Connect or not? I might have influenced important people to push for this nearly one million dollar fund. I don't publish my letters to leaders on here, so I'll leave you to decide.

COLLINSVILLE --- The Cahokia Mounds State Historical Site says it is inching closer to its goal of preserving one of the world's most precious archeological gardens. On Thursday, the site was awarded $837,800 by the state to purchase some of the remaining privately owned properties that lie within the 4,000 acres of original prehistoric city. The Illinois Historic Preservation Agency, which owns the site, has about 2,200 acres of the original city protected. The new state

Published on February 17, 2006, Page 1A, Belleville News-Democrat, The (IL)

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Blagojevich's Kindergarten and Heath Care

The liberal governor wants to have free state sponsored kindergarten and health care. The free kindergarten plan would cost over 100 million dollar. Public Kindergarden: a liberal creation. Is this money going to come from the governor's new highway toll system? Doubtful. Currently I don't have health care, and I am still against the government to give it out freely.

Health care shouldn't be free. How much would free health care would cost Illinois tax payers? Health care coverage is a goal you work towards in going up the ladder in employment, or its paid for out of personal expense like housing rent. Giving out free health care means individuals will lack one essential personal prosperity goal. One of the benefits of unions is health care, and free health care means less dependence of labor unions.

Deduction on state and local sales taxes

Today the United States Senate and House of Representatives debated about the Hutchinson Motion for a deduction on state and local sales taxes. The House has a 56 million, and the Senate has a 70 Million plan. I could understand such a bill being legitimate if the sales tax deduction was for products made in the U.S., but unfortunately today's politicians blantantly ignore something like this because some think it's unethical, or would be to difficult to be implemented. Since we don't have tariff's anymore, there should'nt even be sales taxes on goods produced in the U.S.


Last night I watched some NBC Olympic coverage of the figure skating. I noticed that a female sports correspondent that was talking during the Chinese figure skating had a bit of repeated wording. This lady said, "unbelievable", twice in about a minute, and then said incredible. Incredible is the definition of unbelievable.

She was saying unbelievable after this female skater fell on the ice, but I thought it was very believable. It would have been only appropriate for that commentator to say unbelievable if her head popped off her torso when she fell. I don't know why the NBC director wouldn't have pulled her off the air after repeating the same word three times within a couple minutes. It seems most people in the media don't have a clue how to speak English correctly!

After the female skater fell she began to personally debate if she should continue on or not. I thought that she better keep on skating, because it would be believable for her to go from Italy to an underground torture chamber in China for making China look weak.

World Cover Up Scandal

This is a list of people that the television media is delibertly using to cover up more serious world and national events.

The Media's Current Person Topic List:
Neil Entwistle
George Smith
Natalie Holloway
Scott Peterson

Viewpoint About Celebrity Poker

Its pathetic the media has poker shows on television with celebrity players as much as every day folks. Sadly the celebrity people play poker for small sums of money, yet they earn a tremendous amount of net income. It's more entertaining to watch an average person play poker, and they are usually better poker players. The media throwing in celebrities to play poker on television just boasters my claim of the media's corruptness.

It's annoying enough to constantly see the same old actors and actresses. Now they are playing poker trying to be humorous. Traditionally humor doesn't fit in with serious poker competition.

Friday, February 10, 2006

24 Hour News Patent

Thor was also the protector of the universe. He was god of the sky, the ruler of storms and the deliverer of thunderbolts and rain. Those wearing the hammer believed it would protect them from danger. It was especially important to Viking warriors. And, it was often given to a bride on her wedding day as a source of protection and good luck. Thor's main enemy were the giants and serpents that lurked in the underworld.

It's strange that the newspaper and television media won't publish this cartoon. It's surely been published widely in the Islamic world. Do we have freedom of the press when our press is frantically trying to cover up a cartoon that wasn't even originally published in America? I can understand that the media doesn't want to incinerate riots in the U.S., but the police force morale in America is prepared to subdue Muslim rioters, probably worse than all the world's police forces combined.

Another similar example is on the evening news. All the channels talk about the same issues. Go ahead at 5:05 P.M. quickly flip from news channel to channel. Strangely some of these news channels are talking about an identical topic at nearly the exact same time. This is definition of a legal term called collusion, and when the media engages in collusion it weakens the publics overall intelligence. When television news broadcasts began appearing independent from the other information from other new broadcasts then there will finally be a lack of collusion.

Then later at night go watch news talk shows, and they do the same exact thing.
The CNN, MSNBC, and FOX, 'news soap bopperas' talk constantly about single a person like; Natalie Holloway, Scott Peterson, Loretta Scott King, OJ Simpson, and Osama Bin Laden. At least the newspapers limit its report about somebody like Natalie Holloway to a couple prints a month.

It's amazing constantly seeing a barrage of Natalie Holloway images, but the television media won't publish one controversial cartoon. I publish this cartoon to try to slash the media's cover up. The television media goes on for weeks or months trying to expand about Natalie Holloway like a bad cold that won't go away. Single person topics do not cover what's really affecting our prosperity. The media is more inclined to show the general public bloody stains from deceased humans than this cartoon.

Perhaps a, "24 hour news patent", needs to be enabled! The other media outlets will be forced to find other news topics, and there will finally be real news reporting competition that will actually be fair and balanced. A single reporter could gain significant recognition for acquiring a news patent for their company. The reporters would start being paid higher, and due to their new strategic ability in publishing, this could bring out the rise of many newer news companies that could finally bring diversity to the evening news.

Of course this would be bad for the TV viewer that wasn't able to hear about a particular news topic. This would give the government the ability to foresee future riots that could develop over such an issue like this cartoon. It would only be allowed to be published by one company for 24 hours. A civil disaster like a riot would be diverted for 24 hours, until the rest of the media is able to freely pick up the patent after 24 hours. Federal fines could be imposed to companies that don't follow the 24 hour news patent rule. On the other hand, the FCC would have to designate certain civil problems like crime, and natural phenomenons like weather as unnecessary for a 24 hour news patent.


Not to long after this blog was published Dick Cheney accidently shot his lawyer friend from Texas Harry Whittington. The media was so hyped up, because the news were not published for about 24 hours. Apparently, the first publish was in Texas, and the next day on Monday the media swept this up. So, It appears my 24 hours news patent hypostheis might work.

Historical Note:
This was the first time a United States Vice President shot another person since the Aaron Burr duel nearly 200 years ago.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Muslims Riot Over Cartoons

Muslims sure get a reaction from cartoon pictures. This proves my point that because they react so violently to cartoons, they must be mostly illiterate, with the exception of their Koran.

Unknown Author's Peace Plan

"I see a lot of people yelling for peace
but I have not heard of a plan for
peace. So, here's one plan."

1) "The US will apologize to the world for our "interference" in their affairs, past & present. You know, Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, Tojo, Noriega, Milosevic, Hussein, and the rest of those "good ole boys", we will never "interfere" again.

2) We will withdraw our troops from all over the world, starting with Germany, South Korea, the Middle East, and the Philippines. They don't want us there. We would station troops at our borders. No one allowed sneaking through holes in the fence.

3) All illegal aliens have 90 days to get their affairs together and leave. We'll give them a free trip home. After 90 days the remainder will be gathered up and deported immediately, regardless of whom or where they are. They're illegal!!! France will welcome them.

4) All future visitors will be thoroughly checked and limited to 90 days unless given a special permit!!!! No one from a terrorist nation will be allowed in. If you don't like it there, change it yourself and don't hide here. Asylum would never be available
to anyone. We don't need any more cab drivers or 7-11 cashiers.

5) No foreign "students" over age 21. The older ones are the bombers. If they don't attend classes, they get a "D" and it's back home baby.

6) The US will make a strong effort
to become self-sufficient energy wise. This will include developing nonpolluting sources of energy but will require a temporary drilling of oil in the Alaskan wilderness. The! caribou will have to cope for a while.

7) Offer Saudi Arabia and other oil producing countries $10 a barrel for their oil. If they don't like it, we go someplace else. They can go somewhere else to sell their production. (About a week of the wells filling up the storage sites would be enough.)

8) If there is a famine or other natural catastrophe in the world, we will not "interfere." They can pray to Allah or whomever, for seeds, rain, cement or whatever they need. Besides most of what we give them is stolen or given
to the army. The people who need
it most get very little, if anything.

9) Ship the UN Headquarters to an isolated island someplace. We don't need the spies and fair weather friends here. Besides, the building would make a good homeless shelter or lockup for illegal aliens.

10) All Americans must go to charm and beauty school. That way, no one can call us "Ugly Americans" any longer. The Language we speak is ENGLISH...learn it...or LEAVE...Now, isn't that a winner of a plan?

11) And lastly bring back the manufacturing from our country, curtail the cheap imports from all over the world and put the middle class back to work in our country.

"The Statue of Liberty is no longer
saying "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses." She's got a baseball bat and she's yelling, 'you want a piece of me?' "

Corporate America's Triumph and Shock

One hundred years ago the major corporations of America set out to expand their base. In those board meetings they had plans to go to foreign countries to divide, build, and export. Much like how the U.S. was founded they sought out to exploit all that pristine virgin wilderness, yet on a worldwide basis. I've heard it said this was one reason for the Vietnam war.

When those board members made plans for international expansion, I can only imagine they were all white males. Sure they made true to their promises. Exportation of raw materials sky rocketed, and eventually the cheap international laborers were a real winner for building products.

What didn't expect?

One hundred years later those international workers arriving through the same corporations to be sitting in at board meetings here in the U.S. The offspring of these corporate white males are slowly being replaced in the ranks by international immigrants. It seems those great visions of international corporate expansion is coming to haunt many skilled American workers.

Where did they go wrong?

From the basic reliance on exportation of international raw materials of international development of products. Because of cheap labor much greed drove American corporations to build our products there, and it still continues. The key problem is international workers now know all the secrets to basic American product building technologies. The worst is they are arriving in herds to strip the white collar jobs, and the liberal American congress looks the other way like everything is perfect.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Oberweis For Illinois Governor

Jim Oberweis for Illinois Governor!

Judy Topnika is a second generation American, she's is corrupted by the same liberal regime in Springfield.

Downstate Endorsements Rolling In for Oberweis

On Wednesday night, after voting 76% in support of Jim Oberweis, the Monroe County Republican Central Committee issued its official endorsement for Jim Oberweis for Governor! An important county in the critical downstate region, Monroe County sends a message to its neighbors that Jim is the candidate for downstate Republicans.

"We have never endorsed in a competitive Republican primary before, but extraordinary times call for extraordinary measures. In an open and democratic process, we had a spirited debate and we decided to endorse the candidate we believe has the best chance to beat Rod Blagojevich while standing up for core conservative, Republican values. Jim has come to Monroe County, has made himself available to our people, and we look forward to Jim's town hall meeting at The Falls on February 19," said Monroe County Chairman Myron Neff.


Demonstrated At Chicago City Hall

Late last night I was relaxing and thought of something to write down. So, as I began to write this down, I began to realize this should either be posted on here or be posted on a sign. I checked out the phone book and pin pointed the Chicago City Hall.

I do have a political science degree from a Illinois university, and yet nobody seems to want to hire me for political work. I thought well I could start with a peaceful demonstration. Maybe I could get some fame, or be featured in a article.

My sign was about two Immigration Plans. I wanted to give a prospective of the realities of wants really going on. I wrote on both sides of my sign, and used some red and black markers with a tall pole.

On the front side which I generally held for people to see walking towards me said:

U.S. Conservative
Immigration Plan:
Pro-Central Americans
Anti-OverSea Stranger

On the reverse side I featured the liberal approach:

Liberal Media
Immigration Plan:
Pro-OverSea Strangers
Anti-Central American

So on this first demonstration voyage I went solo. As I walked towards downtown I began to notice nearly everybody was looking at my sign. Then I arrived at Chicago City Hall by 7:00 A.M. I wanted to put my message in all the City and State workers going into for their shifts. It didn't take long until four guys appeared outside the city hall. They were chatting between themselves smiling at me, so I showed them both sides of the sign, and then they smiled at me and rushed inside. Then I wondered if they were informants for Mayor Daley. Later I saw somebody that closely resemembled Mayor Daley, except it looked like he had a white wig on.

I stood next to the American Flag pole facing westward on 121 LaSalle Drive. City workers walking up to the building were all reading my sign. I paced back and forth in front of the main entrance to the Chicago City Hall. Then I noticed a squad car drive past and turned on their lights when they stopped at the stop light. They did a U-Turn then I was nervous... It was a couple of black cops and I just smiled and started to walk to the corner.

Upon reaching the corner their was a guy selling newspapers, and he told me to walk around the block, and pointed to two corners people stand at giving out fliers.
I walked around the City Hall block, Then I walked around the Thompson building block. I stood at the corner were all the state workers walked up to the building. They of course all snubbed my sign, and nobody said anything. Some smiled, some shook their heads, etc. I saw several Latino's smiling at me, and one Latino lady stood nearby and seemed like she was going to talk to me.

Anyways, eventually a state trooper from the Thompson state building walked up to me, and inquired about the sign. I told him I am just trying to give a perspective of what is going on. He said he just needed to write down what it was about. Thankfully he didn't want to know my name.

I told him I am neither from over sea or central America. I mentioned I was a state citizen from down south, and I am a tenth generation Illinosian. He smiled warmly to me, and asked if I would only be walking around for another hour? I told him, "I was embarrassed because I've never done anthing like this, and I was getting tired, So I would leave soon." He politely received me, and then he departed with notes about my sign that probably reached some high office in the Illinois State Thompson building.

02-07-2006 Update:
The word in the Chicago Tribune is that Mayor Daley might hire a Latino as the new City Clerk of Chicago...

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Pork Soup In France

The charity groups say the pork soup give-a ways are not racist


I read that in France there are organizations offering pork soup to the poor. There are people saying it is all racist propaganda because Muslims won't eat pork. Therefore they are trying to feed the poor French first. However many argue that pork soup is a traditional soup in France.

'Nothing illegal'

Many local authorities have said they are powerless to intervene as the groups are not breaking the law.

National Front spokesman Bruno Gollinisch said that people had the right to be charitable to whomever they want.

He described moves to ban the pork soup kitchens as "revelatory of authorities' alienation from the French people".

Dominique Lescure, head of the Nice-based group Soulidarieta, said pork was a traditional part of French cuisine.


Public Schools: A Liberal Creation

Last night on the ABC evening news in Chicago I listened to a news report about a school closing. Then there was an interview with a lady that declared, " education is one of the foundations of America."

Actually I have to disagree because education is a fundamental state right. When the state of Illinois was created in 1818 there was probably little or no public schools. Public schools probably became so widespread because of the illegalization of child labor. After that interview I began to wonder who the ABC television director is that choose to publicly air such ignorant claims.

It's the liberal politicians that are continually pushing for more of our tax money to go to public schools.

Illinois County Side Arm Reform Bill

In the south states of America there were always counties that were known as "dry counties." These counties outlawed alcohol sales. Much like the dry county laws, other counties should allow citizens to be issued permits to carry unconcealed side arms. Pistols should be the only fire arm allowed to be carried unconcealed in a holster.

In Illinois, the southern counties are very unlike the liberal counties of northern Illinois. Since Illinois and Kansas are the only two states in the union that don't allow legalized concealed weapons permits, giving counties this right would be a legitimate approach for state security.

Southern Illinoisian's need to give balance to these liberal law makers in northern Illinois. County permitting unconcealed pistols is the perfect deterrence to prevent potential terrorists from the Chicago area from migrating down to southern and rural Illinois.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Governor Blagojevich and Keno and the Real Deal

So the corrupted Illinois governor from Chicago wanted to install keno gambling facitlities across the state to pay for public education. What would the school children think when they found out their schools are paid for my gambling? The teachers union in Illinois has not endorsed the governor for reelection. Governor Bagojunk early in his term wanted to extend slot machines across the state in nearly all business that would apply. Since he is a liberal, he doesn't tax all the liberal activities in the Chicago area.

Well Mister Governor, even if the keno did pass it would be chump change compared to the future Illinois Indian casino that is going to be in downtown Chicago on the Chicago River. That is all those keno games would equal the amount of money generated from one Illinois Indian Casino in downtwon Chicago. A simple move like this could create the same amount of tax money from Keno, but from one location. Then again would Illinois Indians be willing to allow the state to tax their business?

To the dismay of the liberals in Chicago, there will be tobacco smoke permitted inside the Illini riverboat casino. Therefore it will be the only casino in downtown Chicago, and one of the only businesses open to tobacco smoke in downtown Chicago. If the Chicagoans think they will have other river boat casinos on downtown Chicago river, then they will meet machinegun wielding Indians sinking their boats.

Now eventually both the Kaskaskia and Peoria descendants in Illinois will achieve state recognition. There will be a Illinois Indian Confederacy again. This Illinois Indian Casino in downtown Chicago will be the center of jealousy of most of Chicago. Yet with the recognition of the Illinois Indian Confederacy in Illinois can give the city of Chicago the use of the Legal Assassinations as described in a earlier post on this website. The downtown Chicago Illinois Confederacy Indian Casino will be oftly wealthy, but it will also be a future centerpiece of protection from terrorists in Chicago.

Foreign Automobile Television Commercial Tax Bill

Traitors Drive Imports! There are a lot of traitors in Chicago. An imported car isn't like buying an imported can of pineapples. Imported cars really hurt the American economy. The only single advantage for American with imported cars is when our recycling companies scrap those Volkswagens and Hondas in ten years. Next time you see people driving a foreign car think of them as the modern day traitors.

The government needs to start imposing taxes on liberal television commercials involving imported automobiles. Regardless if these foreign car companies are opening manufacturing plants in the U.S., their television commercials should still be taxed. If this is successful then all their advertisements should be taxed. This same concept could apply to other foreign companies advertising their imported products that are driving down American production.

We'll really be in deep shit if all the taxi cab companies begin driving Honda's!

During mid-Feburary there was an article in the business section of the Chicago Tribune explaining about foreign cars parked at United Auto Workers assembly plants. Prior to the Tribune article being published, Ford Motor Corporation choose to close an assembly plant near Saint Louis, Missouri. In the Tribune article this is what I took notice to:

When Johnson worked at a Ford plant near St.Louis, an emoployee who parked his new Toyota near the front employee lot found the car on its roof at the end of his shift.

"I know he never parked there again." Johnson said, adding that workers at the St. Louis plant, which is scheduled to close in March, were more militant about foreign cars.

Yet, Ford Motor still choose to close this assembly plant?