Monday, October 30, 2006

American Night Of Broken Glass/American Kristallnacht

In Chicago, at the corner of Kedzie Street and North Ave is an Illinois National Guard post. Due North on about 4000 block of Kedzie, foreign businesses begin to litter the scene. The first to see are Mexican businesses, and then appear countless Arab businesses with there Arabic alphabet posted on their signs. Police cars drive with there lights on up and down the alleys. Why has the government turned a blind eye on this international occupation? Politicians are bought off and try to be so morally correct that international foreigners are raiding the heart of America.

Illinois is in dire need of a night of broken glass. Get the sledge hammers out and smash their windows for a night of broken glass! If the American populace can't rely on the National Guard and other military to do justice against international occupation of our major streets, then a modern militia needs to be established to run them out. To the dismay of all liberals and cowards, I will rise in the ranks of the military with an Iron Fist and cleanse the international trash in the heartland.

Democrats will never flush them all out! Democrats turn a blind eye while we are losing our American identity. Democrats are the reason this international onslaught has been occurred during the 20 Century, and because of the Democratic Party’s crimes, the 21 Century is the century for the demise of the Democratic party. The party that should challenge the Democrats is the American Nazi Party.


Chicago Police Shootout on Kedzie Street, three suspects shoot.

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