Thursday, October 12, 2006

70,000 Annual International Refugees

Oct 11, 2006
Bush declared the figure in a memo to the secretary of state, as he does each year after consulting with Congress as required by law. Bush has set the figure at 70,000 each time.

The United States admitted 69,304 refugees in 2001 but suspended admissions briefly after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. Admissions dropped to 27,029 in 2002 as the government intensified screening of refugees. Admissions crept up to 53,813 in the 2005 fiscal year, then dropped to 41,500 in fiscal year 2006.

The president laid out maximum numbers to be accepted from each region of the globe:

• 22,000 from Africa.

• 11,000 from East Asia.

• 6,500 from Europe and Central Asia.

• 5,500 from the Near East and South Asia.

• 5,000 from Latin America and the Caribbean.

The remaining 20,000 can be allocated by the State Department to various regions as the need arises.


My Arguement:

We should be deporting about 1,700,000 alien born people annually. The only way is boots and braces.

20,000 Africans? The U.S. needs to enforce disease screening for HIV/AIDS before any future entry. During this decade the HIV/AIDS rate will be approaching 1% of the population in states like New York, California, and Illinois. HIV/AIDS is going to cause future American concentration camps. Stockade them just like World War II concentration camps.

Trash, Trash, Trash. World we don't need your broke, disease infested, and uneducated trash ever again. The reign of world colonization of America is going to rapidly end, a lot faster than it took to accomplish. John Hancock's vision is being reenvisioned. This whole blog will eventually stand as mighty as the Chicago Hancock Center. "Everybody will know about this from the Queen of England to the House of Hell." The White Stripes.

I call on all our soldiers to be removed from all the international nations. To be stationed here in our homeland, and Congress will issue a military draft to expand our military. Then the deportation of the illegal trash that leaked in the United States of America will begin. Yes eventually the drain plug will be pulled by a couregous unfaulting leader. It's all a matter of time. Democrats should never again ever control any level of government.

Who's your hero? I'll be your hero.
I'm the real American strategist. If Chicago is the United States version of Berlin during the pre World War II era, then I am your leader.

The American colonization of the world through military means is ending and nationalism is rising. On the contrary, we will not be in Iraq until 2010, but in 2010 all our soldiers abroad will be stationed right here on your neighborhood corner on U.S. federal soil. The military general that believes we should be in Iraq until 2010 will be disposed.

The politicians can hear me coming. They all know my words, yet they fear to set public ties with me, and so I am on the long road to being a true American Independent leader. As I walk in the valley of death, I fear nobody because I am the meanest son of gun that walks the valley of death.

October 13,2006

On October 12, President Bush (The Leader) suddenly arrives in Chicago for a fundraiser, and to support of the Speaker of House Dennis Hastert. About the same time that Bush arrived, the Democratic Governor Bagoshit's top advisor who is foreign born Syrian, is indicted for serious pocket lining charges. God bless Patrick Fitzgerald! May there be a pot of gold waiting for you. Not to mention that Mayor Daley gives some blushing and huffy speech the day I arrive back to Chicago. During the weekend nights, there are always these really fancy limo's sitting outside my residence.

Is there any correlation to my publications?

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