Sunday, August 06, 2006

Mel Gibson under attack

I support the actor Mel Gibson. The fact that media outlets are calling this the, "scandal of the year," only further proves that Jews are behind media. There is nothing involving scandal about what he said. It is called freedom of speech.

A real scandal is when President Clinton gave the Jew fugitive financier Mark Rich a pardon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Gee guy, you scare me. And I think even Mr. Mel-o-Drama Gibson himself would -- and in fact already has (for the record) -- disagreed with you. Besides, as far as I see, there's no outcry about Gibson's right to speech; it's the vitriolic speech itself that's scandalous.

A bit of advice: if you're looking for work as a PR specialist, one who claims to seek "solutions to complex problems, and vividly think of ideas to improve society," then perhaps you should look at what this PR strategist has to say:

Richard Levick's Take