Wednesday, November 08, 2006

American First Party

I have listed a few principles of the American First Party.

Legal Immigration

While we cherish and honor America's proud immigrant history, we must recognize that our nation is no longer an unsettled frontier. Immigration has escalated to over one million each year to the highest level in American history.

Because of immigration the Census Bureau projects that U.S. population will exceed 400 million by 2050. A population that big is certain to result in vast increases in traffic congestion, overcrowded schools, urban sprawl, pressure on energy and water resources, and dwindling wilderness and wildlife areas. It will degrade or destroy our American quality of life. Therefore, the America First Party supports:

1. A temporary ban or "time out" on all immigration, except for spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens, for a period of ten years, thereafter restoring America's traditional level of legal immigration at a limit of 250,000 per year.
2. Barring the importation of temporary foreign workers that always reduce the wages, working conditions, and incomes of American workers.
3. Reforming the visa preference system to give priority to reuniting nuclear family members such as spouses and minor children, and ending the chain migration of extended family relatives.
4. A national campaign to assimilate new immigrants by teaching them the English language and encouraging them to learn about American history, government, and civic culture.
5. Re-implementation and enforcement of immigration sponsorship policy or proof of financial viability.

Assimilation and Cultural Identity

The America First Party supports passage of legislation designating English as the official language of the United States. The United States shall, in all instances, restrict itself to the English language. Citizenship shall not be granted to anyone that is not at least marginally proficient in speaking, reading and understanding the English language, the U.S. Constitution and our national history.

Constitutional Use of the Military

The America First Party seeks to restore the sole right of Congress to declare war. The United States military will only be used to protect U.S. citizens, U.S. property and U.S. border integrity. Our troops will not participate under foreign leadership for any reason at any time. The United States military is only to be used when the United States and its people are under, or anticipated to be under, direct threat of invasion or aerial attack. If the United States or our property or borders are attacked or violated, the military shall be given license to seek out and destroy the enemy.

We oppose the use of the military against the America people. We also oppose efforts to repeal the protections of Posse Comitatus under the auspices of Homeland Security.

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