Wednesday, October 05, 2005

U.S. Soldier Citizenship Requirement Reform Bill

The Federal Government needs to require all U.S. soldiers to be natural born citizen's, like its required to become President of the United States. The only option open for military/law enforcement hiring to non-U.S. citizens or naturalized citizens should be in the local city police. This is a serious flaw of the Federal Government ability's to let U.S. citizenship govern our military.

The 1800's ended about 105 years ago... We have a sufficient enough population to defend ourselves. I mean our two nearest neighbors Canada and Mexico, we grossly out weigh them in population numbers. Wake Up! The citizens of the United States should not allow this foreign infiltration of our military to continue.

February 21, 2006 Update:

Three Muslims immigrants indicted for threats and terrorist planning in Toledo, Ohio. Apparently one of these Muslim radicals was formerly enlisted in the U.S. military. This proves this posts claim that its extremely risky allowing non-citizens into the military.

Oddly enough the city of Toledo, Spain was the site of famous Spanish inquisition. The citizens must take great pride in Toledo, Ohio for having their city named after the famed capitol of Inquisition. Toledo's populace must have been amazed at the ignorance of these Muslims to arrive in middle America to start their jihad.

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