Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Government's true upper hand

The U.S. government will always have the upper hand. The U.S. government officially received nearly all the land of Illinois & the current city of Chicago through the contraversial peace treaties with various Indian tribes.

Therefore, the government still has the land in trust, and all citizens are merely renters(tax payers) with deed. Except for the recent liberal court ruling allowing the government to take private land, and had it over to developers for their personal gain. Because the U.S. government has never officially given up the land it has the authority vested in it to expel, force remove, arrest, tear down structures, tax, and use whatever necessary force to obtain order over the people that stand on the land.

Because of this power clause over the current non-tribal lands acquired through treaties, it is the primary reason the government should continue being more leaniate towards American Indian Tribes in their recognition and nationalized tribal rights.

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