Thursday, December 08, 2005

One Minute Speech

Today I was watching CSPAN during the U.S. Congress's one minute speeches.

I was a little irritated listening to some of these speeches. Then a congressman took the stand. He stated how we need to enforce passport requirements for everybody who enters from Canada and Mexico. He put out some statistics on immigrant population, and then cleverly described that the U.S. will lose its sovereignty if we don't get immigration under control.

I was very delighted, and was happily laughing. I then noticed Republican Congressman John Shimkus. After that speech, Shimkus was showing exactly the same emotions as I was. Shimkus was sitting near the speaker podium. Then Shimkus gave his speech about continuing the war in Iraq for another year.

I thought it was interesting that Shimkus had the same emotions as I did after that Congressman gave his speech. Ironically, Shimkus is in the same relative political arena as I was raised in. The one minute speeches are the best form speech for the general public to listen to, these speeches should be broadcasted across the FM radio.

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