Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Politicians Lack Of Courage

The problem with today's politicians is they think they must be so status quo, ethical, and legitimate just to maintain their incumbency. They believe that they must maintain their elected political position, and then refuse to address the serious problems.
I believe that being in Congress or Senate should be the point in one's career that they must fulfill a speech destined for all Americans to; believe in, hate, or accept. Much like the Presidency of Andrew Jackson. It's only a matter of time until a president emerges like President Jackson, and starts rounding up all the illegal immigrants to be sent not out west but to their place of origin. Being in Congress is the time in a career that you address your fundamental beliefs even if it causes you to be dispelled from office. They lack the courage to speak out on true conservatism. Because of their failure to address the undermining issues affecting the demise of American traditions, our prosperity suffers a downward spiral.

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