Sunday, November 27, 2005

Immigration and the rise of the Third U.S. Confederacy

The federal government has just become to liberal towards global immigration.
An extreme rift between the democractic and republican parties has undoubtedly arose. As I walk the streets of Chicago, I notice the stench of foreign bodies, and it is very logical to hypothesize that the federal government can not handle the role of immigration. It is likely that the modern immigration is causing the development of a third confederacy.

During the Reagan administration, an extreme pulling apart effect from federal and state powers increased. This has not occurred since the early 1800's. It has become evident that one state can not rely on politicans from other states for a united immigration standard.

Immigrants undoubtedly migrate all over. Chicago has been invaded by the foreigner immigrants of New York City. Immigrants should only be permitted to reside within one state. Immigrants should be banned from traveling at large in the U.S., similar to what felons have been ordered by judges. If each American state could enforce their own standard for immigration, it would undoubltely be stricker. If one state orders for a deportation, the federal government could ban that individual from entering any other state, and then step up to execute deportation.

How much longer is the door to international immigration going to remain open?

Native American tribes should probably join each other on a pact, similar to the declaration of independence, due to the federal governments continual allowance of over seas immigration.
Is'nt it strange we still rely on the FBI for interstate commerce? The FBI only looks into something after the fact that a crime was committed. Beware... The States in the United States need to step up the border control between the states. For visitors a passport stamp requirement in each state or an automatic deportation.

Who has created this vast swamp of foreigners? The Liberals, Tax the Liberals.

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