Sunday, September 30, 2007

An American Nationalist

An American Nationalist is everything that stands for being a real American. An American Nationalist believes in the bill of rights and all the other American beliefs. One thing is certain that American Nationalists are the hardest working men and women of any workforce on the Earth. We treasure our ancestry, the lands that we plotted and built upon. American Nationalists are those that join the National Guard to defend freedom.

An American Nationalist has the trust in the three original peoples that made America what it is. American Nationalist's that trace their heritage back to any of the original peoples have a pride enjoyed unlike any immigrant, tourist, or outsider has ever experienced. An American Nationalist is the symbol of the industrial drive to conquer the world and beyond.

We don't need the rest of the worlds filth, diseases, and poor. We our closing our legal immigration and our borders, because we already created a super race three hundred years ago. All those that aren't part of the super race are going to end up being in the wrong country at the wrong time. In America we used to be isolationists in the since of world affairs, but we were still letting immigrants in. However today the U.S. is an isolationist by means that we are engaged in world affairs, but we're not letting any immigrants in.

We know what religion comes with being an American Nationalist, simply no religion. Only the spirits of our past continue to rise our moral. All the old church's in the downtown squares in US cities were used for peace to bring the original three peoples closer to conquering the world and beyond. All the other churches that spread our from those downtown churches are obsolete and a symbol of fraud.

" Here in America we are descended in blood and in spirit from revolutionists and rebels " - President Eisenhower.

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